You’ll be happy to learn that’s exactly what happens in all the GO concourses at Union, there’s an even split between train and bus departure screens and they’re always located in pairs next to each other.
I wonder why nobody else brought that up:View attachment 581377
Personally I was just going off the previous image shared, which I hadn’t realized was from 2015 LOL
The floor of Union Station's new south concourse is setting! 🚆👷‍♂️

Crews recently finished pouring the first batch of concrete for the flooring, with more pours on the way!

Once complete, the new concourse will link Bay and York Streets, making it easier to get to and from the platforms. Plus, it’ll connect seamlessly to Bay, York, and VIA concourses, Union Square, and Scotiabank Arena.

1) Does anyone else think that seems like a lot of unmarked/unsigned doorways?

2) Its a render people......and I do appreciate honesty in renders.............but if this is the best you can do......ok....would a small lie really hurt? LOL I mean it looks fine......if clinical and dull.
You're surprised??
1) Does anyone else think that seems like a lot of unmarked/unsigned doorways?

2) Its a render people......and I do appreciate honesty in renders.............but if this is the best you can do......ok....would a small lie really hurt? LOL I mean it looks fine......if clinical and dull.
Those doorways aren’t for public use and will have signs/codes for whatever the room has inside it, like other non-public rooms in Union. The wayfinding document for the Bremner Concourse shows some of them.
Those doorways aren’t for public use and will have signs/codes for whatever the room has inside it, like other non-public rooms in Union. The wayfinding document for the Bremner Concourse shows some of them.

I know........its the number of doorways that caught my attention, I would have thought they might consolidate them a bit.
To use a U.K. example, mainline London stations show both the regional and national operators on the same board. Especially, as many call at the same stations, so people can just quickly choose the first one (even if it is more expensive). While not nearly as many examples, that still holds here too.
Will the South concourse include any retail space?

The commercial units in both Bay and York concourses give the area so much life, and it would be a bummer if South concourse is just one long skinny corridor.
Will the South concourse include any retail space?

The commercial units in both Bay and York concourses give the area so much life, and it would be a bummer if South concourse is just one long skinny corridor.

I can't say there is none - but I don't recall the plans having a significant amount of retail space like the lower concourse. I remember it was almost like a completely separate space design-wise.

Will the South concourse include any retail space?

The commercial units in both Bay and York concourses give the area so much life, and it would be a bummer if South concourse is just one long skinny corridor.
No retail really, there is little room for it without creating bottlenecks. This will be a very high traffic area eventually; beneath the future Lakeshore platforms and adjacent to the arena / Bremner.

Facing north from the south concourse there will open passages to the lower and upper levels of Bay concourse, VIA concourse and I believe the lower level of York concourse.
One of my favourite editorials in a long time is this piece lamenting the jersey barriers in front of Union Station.

Kudos to The Globe & Mail for asking Canadian cities to improve their respective public realms.

(Note: Behind a Paywall)
One of my favourite editorials in a long time is this piece lamenting the jersey barriers in front of Union Station.

Kudos to The Globe & Mail for asking Canadian cities to improve their respective public realms.

(Note: Behind a Paywall)

The piece features a general explainer about public realm as an idea and its value and puts forward the notion that outside of Montreal, Canadian civic leaders have been at best inattentive to the need for quality and aesthetics in our common outdoors spaces.

it then comes back to the Union Station jersey barriers for its close, here I will screenshot:


Heavy Granite Blocks on which one could sit:



Adjusted for exchange rate, something in the range of 3k a pop.


Rather than a slew more pics, I'd thought I'd post a link to a company whose business is making planters and seats that can double as security barriers (specifically ram proof) and people can see what's available.

These aren't cheap, but in the context of the Union Station project they aren't that much either.

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