



A Tim Hortons opened at the podium... even though there already is one kitty corner from this building.


So happy I didn't fall for the sales pitch by these clowns. Not enough fools in the world for them to unload all of those units.
So happy I didn't fall for the sales pitch by these clowns. Not enough fools in the world for them to unload all of those units.

Care to elaborate?
This is quite pleasant as far as office park type buildings go. The splash of yellow adds a playful touch, and the quality of materials is pretty clean. It reminds me of something you may see in mid-sized Dutch cities.
Delayed and ugly. Same developer just bailed out on their "boutique" SIX25BV condo on North York after holding deposits for 3 years.
This project appears to be stalled in some manner. It remains unfinished and yet there do not appear to be any workers on site.

And it's just an aesthetic mess (another way of saying "ugly").
Hideous design and choice of materials, terrible location, ridiculously bad execution. Clearly the product of wannabe developers looking to make a quick buck. A lot of money being lost on this one. If ever a building was condemned, this is it. As stated above, these guys just bailed on their "boutique" project but still plow ahead on their other "offerings." Lesson learned: stick with tried and true developers and stay away from scam artists like these.
As far as I understand the building and construction are complete. The new tenants/ office condo owners may be working, but the building is complete.
All the interiors of the building, except the area where "Haven Developments" office is are empty and look unfinished, no commerce other than a Tim Hortons is on the place. Add their cancellation of the 625BV condo and that company looks as solid as a sand castle.
