I don't think anyone is disputing that cars can be convenient for certain personal reasons.
However, private car use accompanies obvious environmental costs. The question then is why is the City enforcing mandatory minimum parking requirements in new apartment and condo buildings?
As insertnamehere points out here (and many others have pointed out elsewhere), demand for condo parking falls well below the City's mandatory minimum requirements. Owning a car (and parking it) is incredibly expensive and condo purchasers just don't demand near as many parking spots as developers are forced by the City to build.
The mandatory minimums, thus, creates a supply glut of new parking. The supply glut means that parking spots (while certainly expensive), are actually underpriced relative to demand. The costs of building those underpriced spots are thus then passed on by developers to the purchasers of new condos through higher condo prices (ie. the parking costs are borne not simply those purchasing the underpriced spots, but also by condo purchasers who aren't actually buying the spots). Its microeconomics 101.
Effectively, it amounts to subsidizing harmful private transportation through inflating housing costs.
Given that we are facing both an environmental crisis and a housing crisis, this is ass-backwards and mind-numbingly stupid.
The fact that we have these minimums in 2021 when both public policy concerns and private interests want this removed represents an abject failure of this Council. An inherited failure, sure, but its such a simple fix, that how this isn't addressed is beyond me.