In a City with a massive housing crisis, especially among students, racialized people, indigenous people, and youth, I find it disappointing that an indigenous campus centre would be built without any housing integrated or adjacent. Fancy meeting rooms are easy. Actually serving the direct needs of indigenous students and community is harder but more important, and in my humble opinion, would go further to incubating and nurturing community, growth, safety, collaboration, and learning.

Just an edit to say the project is gorgeous. The spaces are intriguing. The purpose is laudable. I'm a fan. I just wish for more for such an important population and community.
It's say it's institutional in the Data Base header above though...

...not dismissing there's a housing crises as I couldn't agree more. Rather, this seems to be the wrong hill to climb with that.

Edit/Amendment: Upon my revaluation of this, I'm not sure that was so wrong of a hill to climb after all. /sigh
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Looking SE
