Another Vu of that other office building under construction from the vu site. I wonder if vu sold to those that work for Dundee Wealth Management?--their HQ is also within vu:

PS: Is Caltrane within view?

This is an unusual panorama of the VU construction site from April 5. It is stitched together from 5 individual photos, perspectively adjusted, a bit cropped, and also processed to increase its tonal range. To see more detail open the full size image on flickr and zoom in.


Since I missed to also include the North End for this panaroma, I am adding a picture taken from Richmond Street:

Great panorama!

And damn, the French Quarter suuuuuuucks.
Few pics I took from April 10, 2008
Seems like foundation is finished in the south east corner... and they are starting a second level!!! wow.. exciting.
i can't see whats going on in the north tower :( the building on the corner of Jarvis blocks my view....


my east side office view.


view at night.. east side...


I've been watching the Vu everyday for some time now...... but the last few days they have been very busy....
too bad they dont work 24/7 like the Bay Adelaide Center!! this thing would be done in no time!!

btw awesome pano shot udo!
i can't see whats going on in the north tower the building on the corner of Jarvis blocks my view....

North part has a completed second floor along with completed columns. Expect third below ground floor to start next week.
Few pics I took from April 10, 2008
Seems like foundation is finished in the south east corner... and they are starting a second level!!! wow.. exciting.
i can't see whats going on in the north tower :( the building on the corner of Jarvis blocks my view....

The north tower (George/Richmond) is a bit further advanced, they are up to one level above the rock pretty much all over it. It is all really going up very fast. Great pics!
Thanks for all of the awesome photos, PSnake!

Off-topic, but could you start a thread of pix from different directions in the City Photos forum?
