
I love this picture... it's an angle of Toronto that I never get to see. The only thing that would make it better would be a shot from earlier in the day so the shadows aren't there.

Looking forward to seeing more of your view!
detroitbootybass: head to the City Photo section..... i posted more of my photos there...

unfortunately when it's mid day.... its very smoggy....but once we get a clear day... i'll take another picture for you!
Udo - that is such a cool Pano! nice job on the processing too.

wow - this thing caught me off guard with all that progress. I walked by and took some pictures of the cranes last week... didnt even look in the hole because I thought there would be nothing to see. Man, was i wrong...
Wow, I just went back through this thread and the progress is impressive, considering how much excavation work was done alone. I also just noticed those render/model(?) shots a couple pages back and it looks pretty spectacular. I can't wait for this one, that's for sure.

Also also, great pano shot Udo.

edit for fun

I guess the only negative about Vu is that this amazing view from George St will be gone (unless of course you live there). Check it out while you can, it always impresses me!
LOL my zoom lens make its seem like im at Yonge... but im actually at Scotia Plaza (69th floor)...

Come back in from outside PSnake - your coworkers are worried about you up on the roof!

