March 13



I'll probably be checking this out in the near future (as the weather warms up, and generally because I'm kind of OCD about these things ...).

Does anyone know if this is still part of the project?

A new public road is proposed to run parallel to the rail corridor on the west side of the site from Ruskin Avenue to Wallace Avenue. MaCaulay Avenue is proposed to be extend[ed] from its current terminus to meet the new north/south public road

And if so, will the new road get a new name or just be an extension of Edwin Ave? Curious to know how it would connect at Wallace, given the presence of the pedestrian overpass.
Does anyone know if this is still part of the project?

And if so, will the new road get a new name or just be an extension of Edwin Ave? Curious to know how it would connect at Wallace, given the presence of the pedestrian overpass.

Apparently yes, and will be named "Sousa Mendes Street / Road". There are some details in this OMB doc:

Some discussion of that name here:

Note that in order to fit in this new street, they will have to reconfigure the Wallace Bridge staircase.

Apparently yes, and will be named "Sousa Mendes Street / Road". There are some details in this OMB doc:

Some discussion of that name here:

Note that in order to fit in this new street, they will have to reconfigure the Wallace Bridge staircase.


Any indication of when/how that reconfiguration will be done? And wouldn't it be easier to curve the road around the foot of the stairs instead?
Any indication of when/how that reconfiguration will be done? And wouldn't it be easier to curve the road around the foot of the stairs instead?

When? Not sure.
How? The idea is to re-use the existing stairs, but to put them into a switchback configuration that goes north from the current east end of the bridge and back down to land under the bridge next to the Railpath (near The Big Tree).
Curve road around foot of stairs? No, wouldn't fit with the site plan which is now very well underway... The residential buildings long Wallace extend further west than the end of the stairs. You can see that in Drum's first photo from March 13.
A somewhat silly question...

...but everyone here seems so knowledgeable about the condo building process!

From the photos posted above, I'm guessing they're working on the parking garage right now? For those who are avid build-watchers, how long does it usually take from this point for builders to start working on the townhomes themselves?
I'm not familiar enough with construction to comment in detail, but I pass by almost daily so here are some observations:
South side on Wallace Ave. already has lowest basement level done and the concrete poured for the floor above it. I do believe that's a parking level under there.

North side on Ruskin Ave. looks like they have finished digging and shoring up the walls around the hole. This morning I noticed they're prepping the base of another crane installation.

