Came across Diamond Schmitt's design for the Waterfront Innovation Centre:

Pictures courtesy of World Architecture News:







Is that new building just a concept, or are they actually the architects involved?
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Love the curved design. Any risk of the Walkie Scorchie effect? That is the tower in central London with a concave design that melted a Jag last year.
The renderings look stunning!

Yeah they definitely do! Truly hope that comes to fruition! It's bold, and well,...innovative...something Toronto definitely could use more of when it comes to design. Is this publicly being funded or is it a private venture? I hope for once, we can man up and see the benefit of a project like this, with a design like this...
WOW! That looks stunningly beautiful. A building worthy of its name.
Now *that* should have been Corus...


The whole point of the shape of this project is that it provides an archway/gateway to Sugar Beach. It makes sense for its site.

Corus could have been more visually engaging, no doubt, but the idea that you can just pick up a building designed for one site and it will work on another...
The fact that everyone is agreeing for once deserves a celebration of its own. ...and then a second celebration if this is built!
