I dont lament the loss of these mostly seedy hotels and motels but it is sad to see that the City of Toronto forced them out of business by raising their property taxes by 500%. It just goes to show that when push comes to shove, the establishment power will not be prevented from having its way. Thats why I will never own a property again. If you own you have something to lose...

The city didn't force them out by raising taxes arbitrarily. It can't do that. The tax assessment went through the roof due to the skyrocketing land value and area improvement courtesy of all the intensive high rise development in the area.
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That sales centre has been under construction for nearly a year, yet still looks half done. Still no marketing material, renderings, anything.

I wonder what the hold up is, as every other project on this strip is flying through marketing/sales/construction.

Have you seen the landscaping being done? It's quite similar to Lago's stone retaining walls and stairs. Nice to see expensive material and time being used.

Regarding the motel, thank goodness its going, a long with Casa and others. The area deserves a lot better than having those unmaintained dumps.
Strange, nothing now-a-days proposed/designed-built in this city is good enough for most UT forum members:confused:
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Pretty much a clone of Casa, but watch the criticisms fly as "nothing good ever gets built in the 'Shores"

Bahaha.. It's hilarious.. Finally a rendering, though.
It looks to me like there may be a concave curve to the balconies on the norths side.
I can't say I'm impressed what has been built in The Shores. I don't mind Grenadier Landing however, i find the site plan does not compliment the surrounding properties. The rest are mediocre mixtures of vision and spandrel glass grounded by mundane pre-cast podiums.

Waterways may share similar massing with Casa as many other towers do however, I doubt EI Richmond can execute the same quality finishes that makes Casa a favourite on the forum. Expect more slapped on spandrel panels to hide the interior spaces.
The artists impression really highlights the great view of Casa Loma purchasers will have.. amazing that the Conservatory group could afford to move it to Parkdale.
Wow, now thats nice....looks like its around 55 floors:cool:

56 actually, plus 4 more for the mech which should put it at about 600ft/182m - if the render is to be believed.

It looks to me like there may be a concave curve to the balconies on the norths side.

I'm seeing it too.
Though it might not be a curve but rather an inward slant like that on one side of Tableau;


Hard to tell.
Here be a model:


And a bonus shot of the skyline from the Mimico waterfront. These projects will create quite a vista...

