The dilapidated Gardiner overtly crumbling, peeling, and falling apart overtop of and around new development is hilarious. What a symbol of Toronto, our political culture's bare-minimum mentality, and our leadership's lack of courage. Since we're stuck with it, I fully support building up to and under the Gardiner to urbanize the area, connect it together, and make it less hostile, but it really does lead to comical contrasts.
Funny you should say that ! Just lately we were having the same discussions on this disgusting looking Highway overpass on the 1 Yonge page too. I've even put some input on capping the bottom with fiberglass etc. And the top with some aesthetically pleasing highway lamps etc for the viaduct . Because no matter how nice buildings you put up beside it . It depreciates the look of the area being rotted out as you can see in the photos up above .
For replacing the Gardiner I believe they are pulling up the steel spanning girders from above. As or concrete decking debris falling there appears to be enough room between the LCBO and the bridge columns to erect temporary spanning protection, at a cost.
For replacing the Gardiner I believe they are pulling up the steel spanning girders from above. As or concrete decking debris falling there appears to be enough room between the LCBO and the bridge columns to erect temporary spanning protection, at a cost.
Yes, I was there yesterday and I think you are correct - though it really might have been easier and cheaper if they had done this work when the site was 'empty'. The bents themselves clearly need work, exposed rebar etc.
500 Lakeshore Trellis.jpg

500 Lakeshore.jpg

Lol right. This is on the top of the loblaws building? Is it private? Public? Restaurant? More details please.
It's on top of one of the two condos. You don't get views like that from 7 storeys up.

Public Art installation underway here, with something fairly dramatic. A series of lotus flowers, suspended under the Gardiner, that will be illuminated.

Image from BlogTo:



Perhaps it's just me...........but would it not have made sense for the City to carry out necessary repairs to the columns here; and perhaps apply a fresh coat of paint to the girders before this installation?

Otherwise, looks promising.
