It's like they stuck the penthouse of another building on top of these towers. It just doesn't make any aesthetic sense at all.
It's like they stuck the penthouse of another building on top of these towers. It just doesn't make any aesthetic sense at all.
It's a PEZ dispenser aesthetic:
The podiums are well done and the crowns are a little different than the surrounding buildings. It works for me.
Maybe we should take advantage of Concord plastering their marketing over this tower to let them know the quality of trash they inflicted upon us here?
First of the two residential tower cranes is coming down - the cable has been de-strung and its counterweights removed.

Please do not shoot the messenger - I know this building is not popular, I am just reporting on status and progress, not commenting on its esthetic qualities - or in particular, the lack thereof.

One of the most dull and uninspiring vistas in all of Toronto. I wouldn't be surprised if people living in that neighborhood got depressed just by looking at their surroundings on a gloomy day like that.
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