^^^ Not to defend the condo buildings but Art Deco towers are from the 1920s-40s, not 2019. Robert AM Stern designs good facsimiles but he costs $$$.

The Loblaws building looks great!
Didn't go by this site on Sunday, but I did grab a few pictures from a distance:

The black penthouses just look so disjointed from the white towers. It looks more like they ran out of white panels than it does an actual planned design.
The black penthouses just look so disjointed from the white towers. It looks more like they ran out of white panels than it does an actual planned design.
…no, the black penthouses are the one thing that do make it look like there is an actual planned design here.

…no, the black penthouses are the one thing that do make it look like there is an actual planned design here.

They give me anxiety to be honest, like my mother is about to scold me for leaving my glass too close to the edge of the table.
^^^ Not to defend the condo buildings but Art Deco towers are from the 1920s-40s, not 2019. Robert AM Stern designs good facsimiles but he costs $$$.

The Loblaws building looks great!
Art deco is just a style of architecture, there are MANY MANY art deco building built AFTER the 1920s and one of them a block away from this building!

11 Yorkville for example is in the style of art deco: https://urbantoronto.ca/database/projects/11-yv which would go very well with the old building here
