While enjoying the movie, can you consume the beer that you have just purchased at the Amsterdam store.:confused::D

I think so... depends what they mean by refreshments:

"Open Roof Festival is a Toronto summer movie series located outdoors. Each night will feature a live band, film, refreshments and a great time! "

I know there are usually Amsterdam tents set up so I think its safe to say they serve beer.
Seeking approval for demolition at September's Preservation Board meeting:

Why raise your blood pressure protecting a derelict yet beautiful art-deco building, that if not attended will eventually self implode...the proposed retro-fit on this heritage structure makes good sense.:cool:
Yea it is a movie night. Looks to be pretty popular from what I have seen.

Its called the Open Roof Festival:

It's an awesome event. I have only been to one and kicking myself for not going more often as tonight is the last night of the series.
The doors open at 7:30pm and a local band plays until around 9pm (when it gets dark) and then the movie starts. They serve beers on tap outside with popcorn and snacks, and they sometimes have a food truck there (like Smokes Poutinery). After the movie many people stick around and hang out. It's a great scene and good times.
Why raise your blood pressure protecting a derelict yet beautiful art-deco building, that if not attended will eventually self implode...the proposed retro-fit on this heritage structure makes good sense.:cool:

Well, technically it's not a retrofit, it's a complete demolition and then a rebuild of two of the walls from "new and salvaged materials." The original proposal actually kept those two walls up; this takes them down and reconstructs them on a completely new building.
Well, technically it's not a retrofit, it's a complete demolition and then a rebuild of two of the walls from "new and salvaged materials." The original proposal actually kept those two walls up; this takes them down and reconstructs them on a completely new building.

Hey, im pretty happy with the work done at Bishop Block and Addisons on Bay..so i think this will be just fine.:cool:
Grumble grumble grumble..

They may be rebuilding it but it's still a demolition of a heritage structure. Who needs history anyways?
The rear 1-storey section of the building
will also be demolished and reconstructed. The existing roof signage is proposed to be
temporarily removed and replaced in the same location.

Hooray for first sentence (I had always suspected they wouldn't save this portion), but boo to the second. Those billboards really detract from the overall beauty of the building.
Grumble grumble grumble..

They may be rebuilding it but it's still a demolition of a heritage structure. Who needs history anyways?

This isn't the Acropolis or Great Wall we're talking about. Tear it down and let's build something new and useful. Whoever owns the building should be able to do whatever they want to it. This is Toronto, not Rome....."history"? Come on now.
"history"? Come on now.

Whether it's 100 years or 1000, history is history. A complete disregard for "history" is what tore down the original Pennsylvania Station in NYC and look how that turned out.

Re: 500 Lake Shore, there's so much craftsmanship and good design inside the building that's being demolished. Hopefully Loblaws is taking that into account and will reuse more than just the facade.
This isn't the Acropolis or Great Wall we're talking about. Tear it down and let's build something new and useful. Whoever owns the building should be able to do whatever they want to it. This is Toronto, not Rome....."history"? Come on now.

You are to our existing built culture what he is to male-female relationships.
