They have already started. The warehouse on the west end of the site is being demolished.

This is an incredible shame and the Ford Government bears every bit of responsiblity. They are thugs.
following up, a lot of police force have shown up to site. digger has stopped temporarily, police have gone in. citizens yelling down from balconies. this is by far the most perplexing, confusing, and dramatic demos i've seen. lot of people just not on the same page..
This is the same anti-democratic provincial government that flagrantly disrupted our municipal election while it was in process out of spite and for their own political gain — and our political disenfranchisement. And after outcry didn't back down but rather threatened to use the Notwithstanding Clause.

Given that, I've never had much hope that they would find some shame and stop what they're doing here. Voters of Ontario need to elect respectful responsible non-authoritarian adults to government. This government has nothing but contempt for those it disagrees with.
The City needs to file for an emergency injunction preventing demolition. While the province may be in their rights, a judge might be sympathetic to the legal arguments made regarding heritage assessments required by the province's own laws. This could be grounds for an "interim" injunction - i.e., a final injunction might not be granted if the province is allowed to do this, but the demolition delayed long enough for full legal arguments to be put together by both sides.

If the City is unable / unwilling to do this with sufficient speed, the newly founded Friends of the Foundry Group could take the step.

Emergency motions are being heard by the courts during COVID.
Some media are picking up this story.

Still no comment from Doug Ford, Steve Clark, Lisa McLeod, or John Tory. Clearly they are not proud of all the affordable housing they plan to build here. Being quiet doesn’t mean corruption is going unnoticed.
Still no comment from Doug Ford, Steve Clark, Lisa McLeod, or John Tory. Clearly they are not proud of all the affordable housing they plan to build here. Being quiet doesn’t mean corruption is going unnoticed.
To think there are likely multitudes of ways they can build and support affordable housing this government can do if they get their fingers out of it, this is most certainly not one of them. So don't give us that crap, Doug.
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