They do appear a little bit 'aged' up close. But I have to say I'm not hating the precast so far.
I like it from the renderings and what I see so far... nice contrast from the steel and glass that is going up everywhere

Even with no traffic, this ROW is confusing. I'd be surprised if there weren't more deadly accidents here once it opens again.

Not sure if I'm missing something but last week as I walked along I saw hoarding had gone up immediately beside Malibu. Is this for another project besides West Harbour City and Neptune?
When you say 'beside Malibu', do you mean to the north? If so that would be Malibu Phase 2 (aka LTD condos - below)


Otherwise, traveling westwards along Lakeshore from Bathurst, all the blocks are counted for by: Malibu, West Harbour City 2, West Harbour City 1, the park, Neptune, then Waterpark City.
Even with no traffic, this ROW is confusing. I'd be surprised if there weren't more deadly accidents here once it opens again.

How is that confusing? It looks like you have to navigate through the electrical poles like a slalom to hit a street car... and that's after you climb the curb.
WTF? They took away the eastbound lane? Odd.

Fleet is now one way westbound between the Lakeshore/Bathurst access ramp and Fort York Boulevard. The thinking is that if you are heading eastbound on Fleet, your only choice at the east end is to go north on Bathurst anyway, so why not divert that traffic at Fort York Boulevard. All of the complexes being built on Fleet will be accessible from Fort York Blvd. and its new side roads, so no need to keep eastbound open south of them The raised streetcar median makes the buildings to the north inaccessible to eastbound anyway.

Those are a nice little feature. Looks like they are part of the precast pieces made off-site. Too bad that these pieces of 'brick' are the same colour as the rest of the precast panels, otherwise it would have been a nice effect with a more traditional brick colour.
Looking for West Harbour City Purchasers!!

I've started a FACEBOOK group for WEST HARBOUR CITY and would like to invite any purchasers or future renters to join this group to get to know each other while we wait for these towers to be built!! I hope you'll join it!!:)
