I am trying to find the floorplans for this project but they are no longer available on the website, do you know where I can find them??. Thanks
I am interested in buying a condo in this project . as I am from out of Toronto I'll appriciate your insights about the area, the project and is it important to have a parking space? also, what is the avarge price for one and a half bed room condo?
^Pretty decent area just a short walk/drive/streetcar to the central downtown. Without a doubt absolutely buy parking. For your other questions just call their sales office. (You can also pose those questions in the real estate section).

BELOW: Another vantage point from the Gardiner Expressway this morning.

June Callwood Park design competition: Located between West Harbour City & Nepture - I figured this would be the best thread for the attached article below.

June Callwood Park Design Competition

The City of Toronto is inviting qualified landscape architects to submit a Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) to participate in a two stage, international design competition for June Callwood Park.

June Callwood Park is to be designed and developed as a new park, and significant addition to the public realm of Toronto’s Central Waterfront. The park is strategically located at the foot of the historic Fort York area of Toronto. Situated northwest of the Fleet Street and Bathurst Street intersection, it will serve as the central public space for local neighbourhood activities in a new high-density, mixed-used community.

The park is named in honour of June Callwood, who passed away in 2007 at the age of 82. Often referred to as “Canada’s Conscious”, June Callwood was one of Canada’s most internationally acclaimed female journalists, as well as celebrated author, television host, community activist, recipient of nearly 20 honourary degrees, and Companion of the Order of Canada.

June Callwood Park design competition presents an opportunity to create a process that promotes outstanding design and program excellence, to reflect the aspirations of the community and the park’s namesake, and to create a central focus for local neighbourhood activities and community interaction. The Park will also provide an excellent opportunity to improve the accessibility and visibility of Fort York and the waterfront.

Team submissions will be judged by a jury. The successful team will subsequently, be retained to complete detailed designs and working drawings for the June Callwood Park.

The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, June 24th, 2008 at noon.
Will the park replace whatever industry (concrete perhaps?) is located along Fort York Blvd at the "foot of Fort York"?
going between Water Park City and West Harbour City from Fleet to Fort York
^^ I should have added, the industrial site that is also located between Water Park City and West Harbour City from Fleet to Fort York.

The site is empty along the Fleet St. address but full of machines and conveyors and piles of gravel etc. on the north side at Fort York. I guess what I'm asking is will the industrial site go away or will this park have a big concrete or gravel site located next to it?
The site is empty along the Fleet St. address but full of machines and conveyors and piles of gravel etc. on the north side at Fort York. I guess what I'm asking is will the industrial site go away or will this park have a big concrete or gravel site located next to it?

The industrial site is being parceled off by the developer and sold to individual builders - there are a number companies interested in aquiring the parcel. It may be split up or sold to a single developer.
Thanks Mike. I was concerned that it would remain or be developed. The article makes it sound like the park will be a gateway from Lakeshore/Fleet St into Fort York. Given your information it is safe to say that will not be the case.
^ It should be a "gateway" into fort york - the lands being sold into parcels are between this park and Bathurst where LTD is - basically the lands behind West Harbour City 1&2 and Malibu, up to where the gardiner is.
I guess what I'm asking is will the industrial site go away or will this park have a big concrete or gravel site located next to it?

As mike has already said, it's history. Its replacement is nearing completion in the eastern portlands. Neptune 2 is supposed to start right after the plant is dismantled
A drive by shooting on Father's Day:

I am interested in buying a condo in this project . as I am from out of Toronto I'll appriciate your insights about the area, the project and is it important to have a parking space? also, what is the avarge price for one and a half bed room condo?

I suggest you buy a parking space.

That development is not like the ones in harbourfront/waterfront or downtown Toronto where you can practically walk "everywhere." But there are streetcars that will take you to the subway or TTC (I think).
Just curious with regards to the purchase of a parking spot question -- given the location of the building (not _too_ close to the heart of downtown), under what conditions would it not be smart to purchase a spot?


a) Is there a certain cost for the spot that it wouldn't be smart to exceed? (Prices seem to be around $29,000 for the area, i think...)

b) Would it depend on the size of the unit? (For example, would having a spot with a small 1BR unit actually make it tougher to sell later on, since perhaps the demographics purchasing those units might not actually have cars?)
