Is the roof / mechanical's finished at WHC I? Certainly doesn't appear so.

We seem to be plagued with the 99% Finished Syndrome in this city. (1 King West, Murano columns, Telus mechanical box, CityTV HQ, etc...)
A few weeks ago I noticed that the roof is lit up now. I'm starting to get a bed feeling about this getting properly completed. Does anyone know if or how close the building is to being registered? To any residence that might be reading: has this been an issue and do people in the building think this is important and must be completed before condo registration?
Walked around Phase 1 and Phase 2 earlier this week and was impressed with the progress made on Phase 2 and with the way the street directly north of the two buildings is coming along. Don't get me wrong - it's nothing spectatular but it was kind of cool just to see parked cars and light posts and a few people walking along the street after years of that entire space being one big patch of dirt. I also noticed that the Street Cars moving along in front of the buildings seemed quiet (probably only because I'm used to the noise they make when they turn the corner at Bathurst and all the squeaking sounds they make...) Nothing remarkable but I was happy to see the progress. I also thought that the Phase 1 lobby wasn't at all as bad as how a previous poster made it sound. Again - it's nothing fancy but it's clean and bright and has a LOT of natural light in it. I think it will age better than some of the flashier lobbies that I've seen. Another comment - it looks like Phase 1 will register in August. I just got an E-Mail from Plazacorp with the prices of the remaining Phase 1 units and they were stressing that there would be no interim occupancy fees as registration was scheduled for August. I believe people started moving in only in January so that seems quite reasonable - most people will have only paid 5-6 months of occupancy fees... One final comment - the Phase 3 sales centre immediately north of Phase 1 is well under way. Some workers were installing the kitchen shelves, etc. in what I assume will be the model suite. The sales office could not tell me when Phase 3 would go on sale...
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Now what about that strange roof, are they going to put in the rest of the cladding panels or are they just going to leave it looking unfinished? (with those HVACS so clearly showing) It's such an obvious WTF? I can't believe they are going to leave it like that.
Walked around West Harbour City last week with a friend of mine. We were flabbergasted by the shoddy workmanship, poor detailing, and horrible materials. All hard, mean edges. Chipped, misaligned precast. Sloppy, bare concrete. Cheap-looking, cluttered window-wall. The list goes on. The townhouses at the back are simply ugly. If this is what people are buying into these days, we're in trouble. Malibu, by contrast, looked surprisingly good up close; light years ahead of West Harbour City in every way.
Walked around West Harbour City last week with a friend of mine. We were flabbergasted by the shoddy workmanship, poor detailing, and horrible materials. All hard, mean edges. Chipped, misaligned precast. Sloppy, bare concrete. Cheap-looking, cluttered window-wall. The list goes on. The townhouses at the back are simply ugly. If this is what people are buying into these days, we're in trouble. Malibu, by contrast, looked surprisingly good up close; light years ahead of West Harbour City in every way.

Lol @ malibu
Walked around West Harbour City last week with a friend of mine. We were flabbergasted by the shoddy workmanship, poor detailing, and horrible materials. All hard, mean edges. Chipped, misaligned precast. Sloppy, bare concrete. Cheap-looking, cluttered window-wall. The list goes on. The townhouses at the back are simply ugly. If this is what people are buying into these days, we're in trouble. Malibu, by contrast, looked surprisingly good up close; light years ahead of West Harbour City in every way.

I'll open myself up to some baching and by way of full disclosure, I have purchased a unit in Phase II that I no longer plan on moving into (due to the bulding delays - not for any other reason) but I actually kind of like the townhouses... I agree that they are a little different and can compleely see how some folks would not like them but compared to some of the other townhouse developments in the area, I think they look kind of funky... I can picture then in 5-7 years with a few trees growing around them and think they will look OK. I personally like them more than the towhouses next to 35 Mariner Terrace and in the King West Village area... Especially keeping in mind that these are not supposed to be super high end luxury units with lots of money being thrown in to the design. I think they have a fairly clean and somewhat modern look that works for the area... Not trying to be a cheerleader for them - just offering my balanced opinion...
Walked around West Harbour City last week with a friend of mine. We were flabbergasted by the shoddy workmanship, poor detailing, and horrible materials. All hard, mean edges. Chipped, misaligned precast. Sloppy, bare concrete. Cheap-looking, cluttered window-wall. The list goes on. The townhouses at the back are simply ugly. If this is what people are buying into these days, we're in trouble. Malibu, by contrast, looked surprisingly good up close; light years ahead of West Harbour City in every way.

To each their own I suppose. I love this building and esp. the townhouses; so much so I bought one :) Personally I can't imagine a more perfect look/feel/configuration/location. Only downside is area will be under constant construction for many years to come but once that winds down (we bought for the long haul) I anticipate the area to be quite fun and unique.
Personally, I like the area. I enjoy it for the parks, the trail and Fort York. To each his/her own I guess.
