I have some pics from April 5.





Beginnings of the Phase 1 Podium ...


Thx cmystikal, and welcome to the forum...
Some new pictures taken this week

Looks like they have just about finished the 8th floor (at least the western side of it. From the way they are building, I guess they will be putting up this tower in stages... The second crane will start building the podium portion I guess...

Will post them here shortly - having some issues compressing the file size enough to post... Available at the link below or wait and I'll post here shortly...
having some issues compressing the file size enough to post... Available at the link below or wait and I'll post here shortly...

if your images are already hosted at another site, you can just use the IMG html to link to them at the other site and display them at full size and resolution....
Yeah, but then we have to wait for them to endlessly download. The way that casaguy has been posting his pics lately is far more considerate for the forum user, who can click on any thumbnail that interests them to get the full picture.

still though, he didnt seem aware that he could host images elsewhere and just link to them in any variety of ways...
I'm not exactly techno-savvy, but since I prefer to look at the largest possible image, I find that if I email the images to myself (directly from iphoto) I can retain the large physical size but the file size drops from more than 1MB to around 200kb when you choose that option.

After that, I then upload to photobucket and insert the links on Urban Toronto. There is an option on photobucket to quickly make clickable thumbnails.

Hope that is of some help.
