Mods, not sure if you are planning on keeping 10 Park Lawn as part of this thread or not. If 10 is to have its own thread, it needs to be put in place now as the existing building is coming down after this build has been removed.

The building is 100% empty now and the surveyor stacks I thought were for 36 are for 10 now.

Had no plans to be in this area this week, but ended up there on July 4. Within the half hour of taking the first photo and the last photo, only one wall remain for the west shaft. It could or should be done that day.


Waiting to be torn down



A few more hours tell the left section is gone
I really hope this 4th condo tower gets rejected by the City and the OMB ... because the premise of the OMB approving the first 3 residential towers that we call West Lake today (which requires demolition of the existing office building) was that the lost office space would be replaced by a new office building at 10 Park Lawn (the northerly portion of the property) ... the last thing Onni should be allowed to do is to pull the carpet underneath the door after the fact ~

I hope can only blame the city for not carving in stone the dedicated areas for office development in the neighbourhood.:confused:
I hope can only blame the city for not carving in stone the dedicated areas for office development in the neighbourhood.:confused:

well in fact the City + OMB DID carve in stone the office use permissions required @ 10 Park Lawn in order to allow the 3 West Lake residential condos to go up ... if the rumoured 4th residential tower holds true, the developer would effectively have to request for the "rezoning" of these office lands, which is what I am not in support of .... there is no existing permissions to build a residential tower @ 10 Park Lawn
Scaled Model

The Retail

The Courtyard

The Creekside

The Rooftop Amenities
Off topic: I couldn't help but notice that you're a fan of Therion - I'm actually listening to them at this very moment! :)

You Sir, have my respect unto the ages.

This is a pretty substantial project from the looks of it. Are there any pictures of the model zoomed out a bit where you can see the whole development?
When is the other building coming down??? and when will we see the building go up??
whats taking so long?
There is no immediate plans to demolish the other 3 storey office building, besides, that is sitting on a separate property addressed as 10 Park Lawn and does not affect the footprint required to construct the 3 towers which make up Westlake (which sits entirely on 2200 Lake Shore Blvd W ... the corne parcel)


You think this project is slow ?? Realistically this project is progressing at warp speed considering the Site Plan Approval application for Westlake was only submitted back in June 2010 (just over a year ago) and Onni has already commenced demolition on site .... I don't that's slow at all ~
Demolition is completed and groundbreaking is schedule for the fall.

I'm just wondering if they'll build all three towers at once or are they going for a phased approach? Given that sales have been strong in all three phases, with 1 being over 95% sold, I assume it will be all at once.
There is no immediate plans to demolish the other 3 storey office building, besides, that is sitting on a separate property addressed as 10 Park Lawn and does not affect the footprint required to construct the 3 towers which make up Westlake (which sits entirely on 2200 Lake Shore Blvd W ... the corne parcel)

Yeah, but where is the 4th and maybe even a future 5th tower going:confused: if infact Omni owns that good sized chunk of land at 10 Parklawn, my guess is that 3 storey office building will be demolished, and whatever office space lost will be incorporated to any future towers built by Omni on that site.
It would be nice to see them build the (4th tower) 40 storey residential, and a seperate 8-12 storey office structure at that location.:cool:
apparently the official groundbreaking was on Friday, Sept 16...per various twitter posts including @msdfraser

Onni aren't wasting any time on this one...
