Jan. 16th Update

Mme. X from my POV, last night at 1am & today at 4pm.
Forgive the crooked night shot, my tripod isn't high enough to clear the new glass railings so I had to balance the camera on an uneven support column.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

thx dt_toronto_geek for all the great updates today!

Please repeat the night photo once X is finished. It would be greatly appreciated. It's a great shot and worth updating once that spectacular tower fully occupied.
Another video profile, this time of X Condominium.

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Please repeat the night photo once X is finished. It would be greatly appreciated. It's a great shot and worth updating once that spectacular tower fully occupied.

I sure will.
Jan 16-10






X video on Youtube

Another video profile, this time of X Condominium.


The video itself is not bad...some good shots of X but what is with the Indian music? Does not fit in at all. If this was a condo in Mumbai or Delhi sure..but come on..some contemporary music to suit the building's architecture/style/location...(this also is not Gerrard St east..!). Even the music on X's original website video is better suited to the building.
Although i think the buiding is nice, it just reminds me too much of an office building.

AKA: Toronto Dominion Centre!

I agree, this simple design with few balconies does remind me of a "toronto dominion centre" type of office tower...

And with X2 on the way, its gonna be like the Toronto Dominion centre!
