That's a picture of the Royal Trust Tower and the Standard Life building behind. Couldn't the render artist have replicated the real X's ground floor and environs?

It's Shayne Dark, and it looks like his piece in front of MOCCA, except this is red instead of blue.

Was it just my imagination or did the MOCCA piece gradually lose spires?
I wouldn't be surprised. But maybe Double Vision, his X piece, is stainless steel rather than wood? His big, sturdy, blue sculpture Tangle Wood is cedar - and that's pretty durable. It looks like it's made from the white cedar Toronto Hydro still uses for their poles.
Mr. Switzter unintentionally implies in the G&M that "the extruded mullions that try to mirror the Miesian I-beam on the exterior" are basically "poppycocks and doodads" (sic). I am referencing Urban Shocker's term for unneccessary historic ornamentation. Thoughts?
Does somebody know where to get the best barselona chairs available in Toronto :)? I want to move innnnn ...

I've seen quite a number of these for sale on Craigslist in mint condition. You'll get them for half price there.
Just had exterminators in my place the other day to get rid of those nasty little things. Hopefully they stay away for good now!
Moving in...?

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the first new tenants (sorry, supposed to move in at the end of the week? That would be those on the 4th floor. And I guess the lobby won't be ready after all. Feels like things are slowing down a bit or am I completely wrong?:confused:
Right you are about those bed bugs! A good Knoll Barselona chair can set you 5k back, but it's worth it.
I swear I will not buy an used one or a cheap copy :), you can not count on everyone buying brand new furniture, though.
Are the bed bugs really a problem in Toronto :( ?
The start of the moving in is set for mid August, that's the latest, non?
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New site of sales office?

The unit beside the construction office in the townhouse component of X has a set of lights mounted on a track just above the picture window. Hmm.. I wonder if the sales office is moving there. Demolition for X2 allegedly starts this summer.
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Why should a Barcelona chair cost five grand? Wasn't the Modernist premise to build high quality goods in the new aesthetic for a reasonable price?
