X Update

I was surprised to see today that not only has the tall pile of earth been removed from the X site, but excavation on about half of the site is a little more than one level below grade already. Visible on the east half of the site are the supports and foundation from the former police station.
I actually thought they were further along with this one. Nice building despite the fact that it's just another Mies knock-off ;) There's certainly no harm in mimicking Toronto's most prestigious skyscraper.

There's something very forbidding about a black tower that is appealing.
Are we sure this tower is going to be black? What materials will be used? Will it actually look like a Mies?
December 12th Update

anyone in the area care to take a picture?

Here you go -





It's a much larger footprint than I expected, I presume because of the lowrise section on the west side. Less than half of what has been dug in the photos above represents the actual footprint.
Nice pictures! Note the sign on the trucks: Pro-Cut Concrete Cutting. The big crane was scheduled to arrive the end of January. I wonder if that has changed, given that the advertised December, 2009 occupancy date is now March, 2010. The permit from the city to block the westmost lane of Jarvis also runs to March, 2010.

Well, I found out the next day. It's a neat process: they install a circular saw which rides vertically along the face of the wall, neatly sawing it like a piece of plywood.

Incidentally, this morning (Saturday), a second shovel arrived.
I wonder if it will take them any longer to dig the foundation with the foundations of the old station there? That could factor into a lengthened dig time. And January 9th is a pipe dream by the way - theres no way that it'll be up even by Jan 31st! I can almost guarantee it!
I wonder if it will take them any longer to dig the foundation with the foundations of the old station there? That could factor into a lengthened dig time. And January 9th is a pipe dream by the way - theres no way that it'll be up even by Jan 31st! I can almost guarantee it!

I took the above photographs on Wednesday around 1pm. Late afternoon the day before, the support columns were at ground level so in half a day's work they had removed roughly 10' of those columns already. Weather permitting, it shouldn't take long to get that foundation out.
I don't know how far down they are going but I can't see a crane going in there until at least mid-February.
The "X" is easily one of the most uninspiring buildings I have ever seen. Could it be uglier/plainer?? Imagine how long and hard the architect worked at crafting this...box. (???) Actually, I don't think they even needed an architect for this one. You could simply instruct your contractor to:

1 - make a black rectagular area and divide it into 10 very small apartments
2 - make 44 more of these
3 - stack them on top of each other
4 - advertise it as "an amazing architctural wonder" (remember It's Toronto, you just have to tell them it's amazing and they will believe you - as is evidenced by this thread)
5 - your done

Go and repeat this process for "Cotour" on Bloor, take your money to the bank and go live somewhere else.
