You might want to cut out the part re: "special needs" lest it be labelled as too PC!

Anyways, this is getting way too OT like most threads Dichotomy got involved in.

Back OT .... they really are working hard lately, pouring in the foundation, getting rid of the remaining dirt. It looks like they've poured the foundation around the perimeter of the site. It looks like they are really working hard towards getting the site ready for that second crane - wherever they plan to put it.
I would assume the second crane would go into the west extension that wraps around that black and white house. It probably won't be there long.
July 25

Looking east towards Jarvis, the Couture sales office is on the top left.
It looks like the base for a second crane at the middle on the right hand side (west). I don't recall much steel going into the base though, so it's a bit puzzling. I guess we'll find out shortly.
2nd tower crane to be erected Sat, Aug 23, 2008

The city has just served notice that Charles Street East, between Church and Jarvis, will be closed this Saturday for a tower crane to be erected at 590 Jarvis.
The site is actually looking like a parking garage now. The outer walls are being prepped to be poured, the majority of the supporting posts for the bottom level are poured, the ramp leading to the lower level has been poured, and the second crane is ready for business. I expect things to really pick up on this site in the next few weeks.
X condo

I really hope that you are right Kahlua, is it just me or do things really seem to be progressing slowly up to this point?
I really hope that you are right Kahlua, is it just me or do things really seem to be progressing slowly up to this point?

It's not just you. It seems that this project has taken forever to get to this point. Let's hope things really do pick up now that the foundation has been secured and poured.
