The dust, the foul mouthed constructions workers, the double parked delivery trucks....

This may be the funniest post ever on UT....
let's see what people think in 5 years when these places are built

You should report back to us in five years...:)
Well, if you wanna know how to tackle the "foul mouthed constructions workers"
Not so funny for those of us who already live in this area...:(

I lived in that area for 7 years and it's improved significantly over time and a lot of that is owed to the increase in new residents due to intensification.
I lived in that area for 7 years and it's improved significantly over time and a lot of that is owed to the increase in new residents due to intensification.

What, you like the dust, the noise, the racket, the closed streets? I put up with the Wellesley hospital being torn down, then they tore the next one beside it AFTER (Rae gave all kind of excuses as to why they couldn't be pulled down simultaneously), now Verve, the co op in between, Shopper's Drug Mart, 500 Sherbourne, Star of Toronto - and that is just what I walk or drive by each day!

I am sure it will all be very lovely in 5 years, until we realize we forgot to add any infrastructure.
Well, then we'll tear a buncha things down to add more infrastructure, simple as that.

Part of urban living everywhere in the world - deal with it. Then again, you've lived in downtown for how many years again? And these nuisances never happened then, of course.

And just so you know, 490 Sherbourne is not a co-op - it's a supportive housing building.

I guess you better plan for your escape from the area now, before the Apocalypse of 2013 hits!

Part of urban living everywhere in the world - deal with it. Then again, you've lived in downtown for how many years again? And these nuisances never happened then, of course.

And just so you know, 490 Sherbourne is not a co-op - it's a supportive housing building.

I guess you better plan for your escape from the area now, before the Apocalypse of 2013 hits!


That's always the fall back positon, isn't it? "It's life in the big city." Too bad we don't demand more.

Sorry, is 'supportive housing building' a new PC term I missed?
That's always the fall back positon, isn't it? "It's life in the big city." Too bad we don't demand more.

Indeed. Let's start with taking away your right to drive - since it causes pollution and reduces the quality of life for everyone. Hmm...

Sorry, is 'supportive housing building' a new PC term I missed?

If you are smart enough to log on to this board, you are smart enough to do your own research and make the distinction between coop and supportive housing. Why let me spoon feed you and insult your intelligence?

That's always the fall back positon, isn't it? "It's life in the big city." Too bad we don't demand more.

Sorry, is 'supportive housing building' a new PC term I missed?

1. Noise, grime, people, trucks, bad language, graffiti, construction, etc are part of living in any city. It's not a 'fall back position,' it's reality.

2. It's not a new term, it's just not a co-op
People move into a new high rise and complain about all the new highrises...
People move near a highway and complain about all the traffic
People move near the airport and complain about all the planes...
People move to a new country and complain about all the immigrants...
People complain
People complain

music and lyrics by geekaroo

Having said that, I too am concerned about the density going up around X, but I realize that this is a part of living in downtown Toronto. I am pleased that my little view doesn't seem in immediate danger, but I will most certainly not cry foul were it to become endangered. Didn't this happen with Uptown and Blu? The recently new southview Uptown owners pitched a fit because that perfectly empty piece of prime real estate in a very desirable part of downtown toronto was suddenly the site of a new condo. What precisely do people figure will eventually happen to under-developed or un-developed downtown real estate. Yes, a few more parks would be nice - but we have to be reasonable about the size & location of the property being discussed. The land that Pizza Pizza sits on could be little used for any development other than a tall slim condominium/apartment - if the developer wanted to actually turn a profit. Which they do.

All of this IMO!
