Pouring a lot of flooring today, including the second level for the second elevator. Looks like they are trying to get as much done today as possible before the weekend.
Construction as of Feb. 8, 2009

View from southwest


Those are dead on comparisons, well done
very nice indeed....:)
Party wall anticipating future development next door...

I dont know about that... that's a pretty tiny area for a new development. If I recall correctly that property is sandwiched between 'X' and a newish looking condo that's about 10storeys high. So unless that thing gets torn down, I doubt there will be a new development in that small space.

Here's a great picture from "jmacmillan" (hope he doesnt mind):

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Does anyone know where there are more pictures online of the X Condominium model, like from the sales centre?

Thanks :)
February 22nd Update

From Jarvis Street facing west. A bit of Casa & BSN can be seen beyond.

The floor for the first level of residences was started to be poured today. About half of the floor was poured.
