I guess I'm one of the few who is going to miss the old building......I'd sooner have seen them tear down that hideous Pizza Pizza headquarters dump on the south side of the street to put up X and maybe convert the old Police Headquarters into a little boutique hotel or something.
The demolition of this building is really this city's construction highlight of the day. If you any of you guys are in the area, you should go down and take some pics right now.
Ding-dong the witch is dead!

So nice to see the end of the old police headquarters. We ended one of our demos there, though I can't for the life of me remember which one. A steambath raid protest march maybe ...

Hello All

I'm a new member to urbantoronto though I'm a frequent visitor. Anyways, I walked by the site yesterday @ lunch and have about 20+ pictures of the site from different vantage points. If someone could post the pics for me, I'll send them over to share.

Oh, the new sales office in 18 Yorkville is slated to be open in the fall.
Welcome to the forum X Condo.

You can use vBulletin to post the photos. When making a post look at the "Additional Options" listed below the text box. There's one option called "Attach Files". The rest is straightforward.
Friday May 25th update. Jarvis Street side (East side) -



You know, I like X as much as the next roving Clewesian neo-modernist, but I don't know why everyone has such a hate on for the building they're taking down. I think it was quite handsome, actually.
Actually I did not mind it either and would not have been sad if they found a re-use for it. There are certainly lots of buildings higher up on my list of "buildings that a wrecking ball could fix."
I don't hate it either. I'm just snapping a few pics. for those curious to see demolition updates as I have the spare time right now and I'm in the area.
You know, I like X as much as the next roving Clewesian neo-modernist, but I don't know why everyone has such a hate on for the building they're taking down. I think it was quite handsome, actually.
I'd have to agree, but I'm not sorry to lose it either.

I took a tour of it once in Boy Scouts and remember the highlight of the tour being when the police locked my whole troup in a prison cell for a few minutes.
I was going to call the building handsome as well, but for what we're (hopefully) getting I can't say I'm sad to see it make way for progress.
I'll always think of it as a building that a group of angry gay men marched on and shut down - as we did to 52 Division at Dundas and University - because it headquartered forces that at one time felt secure in raiding our meeting places and degrading the peaceful people they found within.

We won our rights. Now their building, and the symbolism it represents, bites the dust.
I wouldn't knock it holus bolus, but I wouldn't hail it, either. Though it's consistent with the Postwar Reactionary Stodge District demeanour of Insurance Row--and you can read that as either a derogatory or an affectionate label.

Maybe if it *weren't* Police Headquaaaaters, it'd have more friends--kinda like the old Traders building at the Church end of the block (the one now housing Eye Weekly's offices)
One of our leading neo-Modernist architects has designed a building where people will live, that pays homage to one of Toronto's most famous Modernist developments - the TD Centre - and replaces a building with a mixed history. Cause to celebrate!
You don't see masonry and stone like that anymore. It's too bad, it could have worked as the Cell Block Condos...
