The glass in this tower is just looking better and better everyday! what a sweet building :D
I took this one during pride celebrations, you can already see X starting to make presence. sorry about the quality
July 9th

5 or 6 floors of balconies have been painted on the west side. I wasn't sure if I missed this yesterday or earlier this week but the construction dude directing trucks in and out of the site confirmed it was done today. Also, another shot from above.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

thanks dt ...

i find the contrast b/t the black aluminum + white balconies looking sharp!
just like how a good b/w photo becomes a classic.
Wow, thanks for the photos, I can only imagine this building topped-out! In my eyes this will be the best condo in Toronto. Well, other than 1 St. Thomas ;)
A lot of people dislike One St. Thomas? It was voted the favorite new residential building in this year's Pugs. It was a landslide victory.

Something like 80% of the voters loved the building.

The building does inspire strong emotions. But the voting results suggest its detractors represent a small faction.

Based on an informal sampling from among my friends, these detractors seem to mainly comprise modern design fanatics, depressives who wear too much black and think they know more about architecture then everyone else (which they probably do).

I wish the city had more Stern buildings.
July 12th Update

X from above (and then further above) showing the north and west sides & townhomes.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Based on an informal sampling from among my friends, these detractors seem to mainly comprise modern design fanatics, depressives who wear too much black and think they know more about architecture then everyone else (which they probably do).

I wish the city had more Stern buildings.

Urban Shocker is going to smite you for that statement, though on second thought he would be more prone to be grey clad ;)
