
That's a lot of balcony junk on the building to the right. The minimalism makes it almost seem as if there is no aesthetic, as if it's just a storage structure. The initial sleekness seems has been diminished.

Well said! Have you seen Glas lately? Wait until Casa gets occupied and we see 45 floors of IKEA's summer furniture.
That's a lot of balcony junk on the building to the right. The minimalism makes it almost seem as if there is no aesthetic, as if it's just a storage structure. The initial sleekness seems has been diminished.

Rubbish I say!

It makes it look lived in and gives the city a dynamic feel - I couldn't disagree with you more.
In the very same picture (pretty much)
4 with X2
5 with Couture


That's a lot of balcony junk on the building to the right. The minimalism makes it almost seem as if there is no aesthetic, as if it's just a storage structure. The initial sleekness seems has been diminished.

Rubbish I say!

It makes it look lived in and gives the city a dynamic feel - I couldn't disagree with you more.

I'm in agreement with you here: not that just any hunk of junk should be put on a balcony, but the bits and pieces of people's lives that we see through balcony railings and plate glass windows adds life to a city. If every balcony had the same furniture on it, if every window had the same drapes, we'd be looking at a city of hotels.

In the very same picture (pretty much)
4 with X2
5 with Couture



Taal - are you meaning to say that in the future there would be 2 more Clewes in a similar photo? X2 is Rudy Wallman (unless that has changed) and Couture is Graziani + Corazza.

