13th floor

Correct...this is one building that is not superstitious..there is a 13th floor..and they sold..lucky for some I guess!

from caltrane74/flickr.com/UT/SSC/SSP
Undecided about the shots of colour but still think it looks very sharp. Thanks for the pic.
Looking good!

Not sure how I feel about the medium grey privacy glass on the North side of the 3rd. I know the pool bathrooms are there, but I think a bit of a darker grey or maybe even black would have been better. Couture will be blocking this for the most part anyway and will be much different once we get some height to the cladding. Only time will tell.

I do love the splashes of colour, I just hope this will not work against the building as this seems to be a bit of a fad right now with a lot of new condos. I hope the idea ages well!
I wonder if any of the lawyers who'll live here will be tempted to throw themselves against the windows to see how strong the glass is?
I wonder if any of the lawyers who'll live here will be tempted to throw themselves against the windows to see how strong the glass is?

They'll have to prepare the statement of claim before hand ... just in case, ... p.l.u.n.g.e ...
June 4th Update

Caltrane beat me! Here's more (about 5:30pm), enjoy!
I love the slashes of colour, I think it works brilliantly.

I wonder if any of the lawyers who'll live here will be tempted to throw themselves against the windows to see how strong the glass is?

Nasty! (I remember that). I just saw my lawyer this afternoon, maybe it's not so nasty after all... ;)

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

South-east sides -

East side -

North-east sides -

South side -

West side -

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