Come on 3D, show us what a Pizza Pizza condo would look like!

There are a few preliminary details I can share... most importantly that the corporate facade will be retained as the lobby entrance (iconic/historical).

No doubt the tower will be criticized by purists on this site for referencing another city with no apparent links to Toronto, but this will be mitigated somewhat by the simple, elegant project name which isn't cheesy like so many recent condo names.

(incidently you can pre-register by calling the usual phone number and asking to speak to the sales manager Eileen)


"The Pie in the Sky"



I'd love to eat that Concierge. Delicious looking balconies too.
Our own leaning tower of pizza! Yummy! But you'd need to get belted into bed each night, or you'd fall out, and slide right out to the elevator.
How about two highrise slabs, then a lowrise, then another two highrise slabs? Kinda architectural-pictorial depiction of "11-11"
As already mentioned by someone, I have been able to confirm that the purchaser of this land is Great Gulf. They are already building the 44-storey "X" project right across the street.

The site has frontage of 119 feet on Jarvis Street and 256 feet on Charles Street. It has an area of 30,464 square feet. It includes 580 Jarvis Street and 99 and 103 Charles Street East. The sale price was $17,800,000, equivalent to $584.30 per square foot of site area, which is pretty much in line with several other recent condo sites in midtown.
So another Peter (the Scottish lad via Mtl) Clewes tower on this site: can't wait and i'm guessing 48 stories of shimmering dark green steel and glass modernism--perhaps some curvy lines tossed in to boot?
So another Peter (the Scottish lad via Mtl) Clewes tower on this site: can't wait and i'm guessing 48 stories of shimmering dark green steel and glass modernism--perhaps some curvy lines tossed in to boot?

I'd much prefer shimmying dark green steel.

Didn't Great Gulf also build the Hudson and the Morgan? I'm a bit surprised they didn't name X "VW" instead. Maybe they can correct that oversight at this location.
Excellent, 3D.

Any word if the building come with a choice of toppings?, or if the site is zoned for small, large, or extra-large?
Slightly OT but your toppings comment refreshed an idea I've had: Why not build a condo with only one basic style of kitchen/bathroom/tile etc? A stripper version with laminate flooring, countertops etc--eg all white. Then after you buy your unit you can customize it yourself.
