Best ever picture of X (mainly because that hideous box on top is not visible).

It's a terrific shot, well done steveve! Other's have grabbed sensational shots of this stunner too but I think what's adding to it's beauty here is a lot of blinds/curtains are up now which adds more contrast to the building's black framing plus the time of day that it was shot and the sun bouncing off the south side. Absolutely epic!
actually that shot was not intended to be posted nor taken. it was taken from a moving car and got uploaded to my flickr in the batch. and i've seen more "wow" shots of X for sure. (like that night shot by android a couple days ago)!
anyway, i just had some fun with iphoto effects and got this overkill-overexposed-overeverything shot of the same thing:
in terms of X2. i don't think there'll be anything to drool over considering it's basically X1 but taller. we won't really be surprised with anything. not saying it'll be bad, but we won't have many debates on whether it's good or not (or better than X1) lol..

Traffic Jam at the X2 site. You can see Burano peeking through in the background beside the white rental building.

[Taken March 3rd/2011]

Traffic Jam at the X2 site. You can see Burano peeking through in the background beside the white rental building.

Some good friends of mine lived in that white rental building for a year or two back in the mid-2000s. Funny how after a while random places become memorable. That white building is now "the place where I took yoga classes in my friends' living room."
Digging has begun in earnest. Lots of equipment on site and yesterday a truly huge excavator was being unloaded from a trailer. That beast can move a lot of soil. Would have taken pictures, but alas, I was driving.
I happened to be walking by just after the excavator was unloaded yesterday, there were planks on the sidewalk to load it onto the site and the workmen were asking people to watch their step by the planks. The site is buzzing with activity in the past week or so. There's really nothing much to photograph, just lots of equipment, steel beams, piles of soil & such. Come late spring/early summer this will be one to keep an eye on as the big dig begins here.

Wow, thats one aesthetically void black box. Really, just nothing. I'll bet it was "designed" by an engineer rather than an architect.

Square, black mullions, dark windows - a goth cathedral.

"Hey, I know, let's build another one!!!"

"Okay, but lets add some design to the next one"

"What??? Where do you think you are??? We still have the plans for the first one you idiot!! just build another one, who cares what it looks like, some group of morons will buy them."
Seriously ???

Can you tell me why you think that? is it the audacious straight lines or the daring architectural accents?? What??

First, you should know that the design was an homage to the work of this man, whose impact on architecture in Toronto cannot be overstated.
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