So another development on the chopping block.......i hope city planning isnt recomending 48-52 storeys, for all future builds up Yonge street.
How boring.....seems like another Entertainment District in the works

So, no design consideration other than height carries any importance for you?
What if height + design would make a difference here?


(Early massing study more to come.:D)
Yonge and College is sure getting super dense. Let's hope the tower looks better than some recent additions in the area.
Can we put in some forum rules to stop polluting so many threads with silly line drawing fanboy ideas that have no basis in the real world (i.e. nimbytech). Perhaps comic relief at first, but it is getting tiresome for people that may be reading for actual updates or discussion relevant to the project.
The Design Review Panel voted for a redesign of this proposal:

Main points:

Site Plan Design

Reduce proposed density and height to help create a more livable environment. Increase building setback along Yonge and Grenville, adding more space for pedestrians and trees. Design Luke Lane as an urban, pedestrian-first environment.

Pedestrian Realm
- Increase quantity and quality of pedestrian realm.

Built Form and Articulation
- Develop a design strategy that visually connects tower and podium, creating calm and simplicity

- visually differentiate between office and residential entries
- recess the office main entry creating a “reveal†condition between the existing Odd Fellows building and the new façade to the north
- simplify podium elevations and reduce the number of individual façade expressions
- align new with existing Odd Fellows building as precedent in terms of datum lines, materiality, etc
- scale down and simplify canopies
- create visual difference between Yonge (main street) and Grenville (side street) elevations

- reduce tower height and increase distance from adjacent tower to west.
- rethink balcony and tower cap strategy to simplify tower expression, and create visual connection with podium.

Building Composition
- Disconnect between historicist base and curvilinear tower
- architectural relationship between tower and base needs greater cohesion/connection
- curvilinear balcony design doesn’t relate well to rectilinear tower

- The impulse to relate to heritage building is understood, but historical pastiche is troubling
- Duplication of facades (on Yonge St and Grenville St) is also troubling
- Base should be a complimentary, quality, memorable, contemporary design
- Size of Office lobby may be too large
- consider reduction in size to assist with street animation
- Increase relationship of residential lobby with neighbouring building (opp. St. Luke Lane).

Protruding canopies
- Hesitant to support canopies without understanding their greater impact on Yonge Street
- Sense that this greater impact may be inappropriate for Yonge Street
- Instead, prefer to see wider sidewalk (increased setback) and consistent street trees

How does knocking ten floors off a building make it or its neighbourhood more liveable? Who sets the criteria and are they required to justify such decisions?

Do they wet their finger and hold it into the wind?
I would agree with sit back for the street edge and trees/shrub/flowers.

Canopies can work if design correctly from day one with a focuses on what being used under it as well pedestrian flow. Some nice arches would be different.

There needs to be a rethinking of how balcony should be used, the look of them and how they fit in for the street view and the building.

Time to turn the clock back and start going to more brick and stonework on Yonge Street with a focuses of what buildings did look like in the past as well being more modern. Why not take the look of the historical building on the corner and use it on Yonge St and then change for the rest of the building??

Disagree on height reduction.

Need to think bold and not square building that are slap together and run of the mill.

Neighbourhood are liveable based on what is taking place on the street and it sound like this opposition to height is to make this a quite area, as well a dead zone.

The top is important as the base and need to be more bold than a flat roof
Could somebody please uninstall sketchup from urbandreamer's computer?
I for one am always happy to see someone contributing out-of-the-ordinary ideas for our city. It's fun to conceptualize and consider the effects of a different massing and form. I would argue that urbandreamer brings more to these forums than many people, myself included.
Can we put in some forum rules to stop polluting so many threads with silly line drawing fanboy ideas that have no basis in the real world (i.e. nimbytech). Perhaps comic relief at first, but it is getting tiresome for people that may be reading for actual updates or discussion relevant to the project.

I don't see anything wrong with UD posting these 3D concepts. He came up with a good one for the site up the street and this concept has some good elements.

Why should the job of shaping our city be the exclusive domain of city planners and a design review panel made-up of a group of undistinguished local architects?
Why should the job of shaping our city be the exclusive domain of city planners and a design review panel made-up of a group of undistinguished local architects?

How does the sketchups, or their theoretical elimination thereof from this forum create an "exclusive domain" for city planners and DRP?

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YO, 460 was inspired by that DRP rejection.

Main points:

Site Plan Design

Reduce proposed density and height to help create a more livable environment. Increase building setback along Yonge and Grenville, adding more space for pedestrians and trees. Design Luke Lane as an urban, pedestrian-first environment.
Well I increased the height but that could be reduced easily. Tower is setback from podium. Tower setbacks as it rises--(inspired by the pos that is Uptown & 88 Scott only done in a thoughtful inventive manner.) Green roofs/gardens make for it more liveable. Podium is setback from Yonge allowing for a wider sidewalk. A corner spot for a cafe at St Luke Lane & Grenville animates the lane.

Built Form and Articulation
- Develop a design strategy that visually connects tower and podium, creating calm and simplicity
Red brick cladding around the inset staggered balconys of some units ties tower to the red brick podium. White frosted curtain wall glazing for rest of tower ties into white coloured windows on the podium.
- visually differentiate between office and residential entries
Office uses above double-height CRU just like on classic century old Yonge Street retail units
- recess the office main entry creating a “reveal” condition between the existing Odd Fellows building and the new façade to the north
Podium is curved on the Yonge corners..."revealing" the historic Odd Fellows facade details.
- simplify podium elevations and reduce the number of individual façade expressions
Podium has two main treatments--negative and positive window punchouts for a simple yet crisp expression
- align new with existing Odd Fellows building as precedent in terms of datum lines, materiality, etc
Red brick, perhaps some inserted "sculptures" behind glazing at office level, podium roof line matches 4th floor roof top of Odd Fellows
- scale down and simplify canopies
See window "negative space"
- create visual difference between Yonge (main street) and Grenville (side street) elevations
Slight difference here but not radical because that creates visual clutter on a corner building
- reduce tower height and increase distance from adjacent tower to west.
Tower is set back from Karma
- rethink balcony and tower cap strategy to simplify tower expression, and create visual connection with podium.
Building Composition
- Disconnect between historicist base and curvilinear tower
- architectural relationship between tower and base needs greater cohesion/connection
- curvilinear balcony design doesn’t relate well to rectilinear tower
Accomplished? You decide.
- The impulse to relate to heritage building is understood, but historical pastiche is troubling
- Duplication of facades (on Yonge St and Grenville St) is also troubling
- Base should be a complimentary, quality, memorable, contemporary design
- Size of Office lobby may be too large
- consider reduction in size to assist with street animation
- Increase relationship of residential lobby with neighbouring building (opp. St. Luke Lane).
Lobby off St Luke Lane, no need for office lobby
Protruding canopies
- Hesitant to support canopies without understanding their greater impact on Yonge Street
- Sense that this greater impact may be inappropriate for Yonge Street
- Instead, prefer to see wider sidewalk (increased setback) and consistent street trees
Done. Need to hire a quality landscape artist.:)


Btw, take a look at the 1960's apartment building across the street. Note the podium details. Yep inspiration for the distinctive inserted balcony pattern rising up the tower. NimbyTect--checking out the neighhourhood then designing the tower. Weird, eh?

(Oh, I get it. Some of you hate my recent NimbyTect proposals--too childish perhaps? Either way, yes I will from henceforth post the majority of them in my own fantasy renderings thread. But if you don't look at them there, I may be very sad. And thus occassionally pop into forum threads. Cheers.)
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Yes, I would much prefer them to go there as well. This thread and other P&C threads are for actual updates and renderings and off topic banter every 2 to 3 pages.
