

The mall has been under renovation for quite some time now. I was surprised to see hoarding outside, but unfortunately the workers on-site shrugged off my questions.
The construction walls visible through the GoodLife windows have only been up for the last week since the hoarding went up outside.

Similar walls are up in the Pickle Barrel's east windows (visible in the first picture).
I work at Y+E Centre.

Interior work has been ongoing for a couple of months now. Mostly ceiling work (replacing the disorienting polished SS with drywall).

The afore mentioned Bowring is now a PCL construction office.

In our building (20 Eg W) they have been doing a lot of prep work for at least 6 months, including upgrading electrical systems and plumbing, installing new generators etc.

Just last week as the hoarding was commencing outside, the glass and steel canopies over the entrances to 20 Eglinton were removed, as were the pigeon screens by the Pickle Barrel. I can't tell yet if the removal of the canopies is to commence construction on the retail cube connections, or if it's to accommodate the hoarding for staging for the tower extensions.

That said, we had been told last year that the tower work was at least 3 years away, so I do think what we're seeing now is the beginning of the cube.
Why are the poles so rusted, these rusted poles all over Toronto are an embarrasment and you often find them in the most prominent locations in our city.
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Long story short, hydro poles are the purview of Toronto Hydro, and if they don't see fit to replace the poles and the city doesn't provide the resources if they consider it a priority, nothing happens.

All of the windows along the 2nd floor (in drum118's photos posted above) have been removed. There is now proper hoarding around much of the site, and from the looks of it, it seems that this is the ground floor addition - and not the tower upgrades. Don't quote me on that though, the workers there were subcontractors and couldn't answer anything I asked. They didn't know what was happening other than the small job they were there for. Sorry no pics, I only see cool stuff when I leave my camera at home...
A news story on the front page clears the air on what's getting built here now… plus you'll also see we have a new dataBase page with a pile of renderings.

Are they going to be removing those concrete "canopies"? It's not clear from the renders if those are remaining. The render does make it appear that the windows further up the building will be widened vertically, which presumably will involve removing concrete there.

I'm fascinated that such a major building renovation will be done while apparently keeping the tenants in their current locations.
When the height extensions to the buildings come, the entire exteriors will be replaced—as best I know.

