I went to high school at Avenue/EgWest but hung out a lot at Y/E Centre. Wasn't the greatest mall, but good times nonetheless. I agree with hawc. It's a great intersection, would like to live here someday. The revitalization plans look great, but just like plans for the old bus terminal, is slowly progressing. Would be interesting to see the change in the area in around 10 years though.
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Better news: I contacted riocan, as to me it seemed the Y&E reclad / new square project was dead, finally got a reply ! Apparently the project is still a go, and they're working on a hard timetable and should have that information soon.
Better news: I contacted riocan, as to me it seemed the Y&E reclad / new square project was dead, finally got a reply ! Apparently the project is still a go, and they're working on a hard timetable and should have that information soon.

Bowring will be closing in January and the staff told me it is due to the renovations. Seems a bit odd as it is in between the pickle barrel and the elavators. I doubt either are going anywhere.
Bowring will be closing in January and the staff told me it is due to the renovations. Seems a bit odd as it is in between the pickle barrel and the elavators. I doubt either are going anywhere.

Weird maybe the connection to the new mall ?

I can't wait for this to start ! The re clad ... meh OK ... though it will make the area better ... but the re-done square should be a lot nicer ... its not very well used today, though they do tend to give out a lot of samples of crap at the square today :)
Weird maybe the connection to the new mall ?

Makes sense...widen the hallway so that the elevators are easily accessed by the old and new mall. Elevator hall will probably be the main connection at most levels.
Weird maybe the connection to the new mall ?

I can't wait for this to start ! The re clad ... meh OK ... though it will make the area better ... but the re-done square should be a lot nicer ... its not very well used today, though they do tend to give out a lot of samples of crap at the square today :)
if you look closely it appears that the new cladding will actually be quite interesting. it appears to have horozontal metal slats running along every floor. It's something that hasn't been done in Toronto yet.
A lot of interesting information and renders can be found at http://www.riocanyec.com/

When you factor in E condos and Canada Square, Yonge and Eg will be an intense cluster of black glass towers. Can't wait for all these projects to get going - hopefully while I still live midtown
(please dont argue with me about what YOU consider midtown)
Is the hoarding actually for the redevelopment? I hadn't heard that the plans had received final approval.
Is the hoarding actually for the redevelopment? I hadn't heard that the plans had received final approval.

They were approved ages ago from what I recall.

They've been doing a tone of interior work ... makes sense would be strange to add an addition without renovating the rest (which they are doing now).

No clue if the tower portion is going ahead or not though, looks like the expansion though yes.
I believe the towers will be extended skywards before the retail pavilion is built. I'd guess the hoarding is going up around what will be the staging area for the tower work…

But all of that is a guess, and I'll try to get the info on it all in the next short while!

