What would be the cost savings of extending the line to Hwy 7 with an initial 3 stops? One at Steeles and one at Hwy 7 and one at Langstaff? I understand there would be a need for some sort of transport mode from Clark to Steeles and the parking at Longbridge to Langstaff (underground moving sidewalks?). Would a 3 station extension be good enough for the time being?
Why not build all 5 stations? It's pretty clear the issue holding up this line, is that the demand will overload the Yonge line, and holding off those 2 stations won't change that.
Why not build all 5 stations? It's pretty clear the issue holding up this line, is that the demand will overload the Yonge line, and holding off those 2 stations won't change that.

Maybe we could better allocate those resources to where they would have greater impact? The distance between Cummer and Finch is too little for a separate station to have much effect on ridership. The same could be said between Clark and Steeles. I'm very much in favour of the entire extension and the most recent station configuration but believe that making do with less may be a necessary cost saving measure in the short term.
Maybe we could better allocate those resources to where they would have greater impact?
There's already been an EA which has lead to station selection. Shouldn't those comments have come out during the EA?

The distance between Cummer and Finch is too little for a separate station to have much effect on ridership.
Cummer ridership is the lowest of the 5 planned stations, but there's a lot of potention here in the future, as the area intensifies in the future.

The same could be said between Clark and Steeles.
There's more southnbound boardings forecast at Clark in the AM peak than Langstaff. At about 4,000 in the peak hour alone, it would have more use in that single hour, than some existing subway stations do all day! While I might be sold on holding off Cummer, Clark would be a very well used station!

I'm very much in favour of the entire extension and the most recent station configuration but believe that making do with less may be a necessary cost saving measure in the short term.
I don't see the point of only deferring a single station. Might as well build it now, and spur some redevelopment.
Apologies, i was thinking this was the DRL thread and CityplaceN1 wanted the western portion of the DRL done in one phase along with the eastern portion.

adding extra stations on the yonge extension would probably be $300 millionish.
I hope so. The +$4,000,000,000 could be better spent elsewhere.

Why must you poke the bear, BMO?

The last budget was $3b (though it's no doubt going to be more), not 4.

Del Duca said there are more announcements coming, the feds are putting a few $ into the pot and Thornhill is a riding they want to hold. So, Mr North's philosophical musings notwithstanding, it's still in limbo, still on the books and still not quite dead.

(note that, despite the hopes, dreams and delusions of many on this thread, RH was not at the top of the GO expansion priority list, so the subway is still needed. )
Doesn't this subway depend on the DRL being built, and with no funding for the DRL I don't see this being built anytime soon.
Doesn't this subway depend on the DRL being built, and with no funding for the DRL I don't see this being built anytime soon.
The Liberals promised funding for the DRL in last years budget, which they then used to fight the election on, picking up extra seats downtown.

I can't see them not at least partially funding either line. But surely the next decision point on the DRL comes after the current pre-EA study is completed in late 2015 or early 2016.
still count me in the camp of them only building to Steeles, it may allow them to extend it towards York without having to build the DRL.

If they can get the DRL built and the full funding for this entire line, great. But I find that just a bit too costly.
The Liberals promised funding for the DRL in last years budget, which they then used to fight the election on, picking up extra seats downtown.

Was that money part of the $29B transit fund? Because even though the GTHA portion of that has recently been increased to $16B....all but $900 million has been spent in the last couple of days.
