Seems like they are finally giving credits.



Well, part of it does...the other part of this tower is bland,and the podium is a flunk. This is bot that great at all IMO.
It looks good from a couple angles thanks to the patterning, but I would have to agree with you... there are too many important spots that this one misses for me, and some of the fixes are dead obvious and probably not that unreasonable to implement.

The podium is the most important part of the building, and in my view it's a big flop:

Then there is that one side of the window wall where they've tried to "continue" the pattern... not very well. As well, I don't understand the 'notch' taken out of the first six or so storeys of balconies:

And on the portion of the tower without the pattern, I think it would've ended up more cohesive if they had employed wrap-around balconies in order to better cover up the window wall. However, they'd need some balcony guards with a better colouring, the seafoam green isn't working.
