I'm hoping that in reality whatever gets pushed through ends up being a compromise of the two, but if it came down to one of these, which would you pick.
Transit City
Sheppard LRT - surface - Don Mills to Morningside - 500m stop spacing
Finch LRT - surface - Humber College to Finch West - 600m stop spacing
Eglinton LRT - surface - Jane to Black Creek and Leslie to Kennedy - 600m stop spacing - underground - Keele to Laird - 800m stop spacing
Possibility of Don Mills, Malvern, Scarborough, Jane, and Waterfront West LRT lines
Ford City
Eglinton-Scarborough subway - grade separated - Keele to McCowan - 1000m stop spacing
Possibility of Sheppard subway and Finch BRT
Personally, I have to reluctantly take Ford's. While Transit City would serve more people, the stop spacing is too close to actually meet the travel needs of the city. Ford's plan does lack quantity, but has more quality than Transit City.
Really, I hope that some compromise is made, preferably surface run but with wider stops. But if I had to choose between one or the other, I'd go with Ford's.