Either way, a car can get you there faster. During rush hour it takes 30-35 minutes to get from Roncesvalle to Osgode by streetcar? Sorry but myself along with the great majority of people won't pay what is soon to be $5 for that kind of service just so we can brag on how we take public transit. I totally agree with Dan e 1980, in such a situation most people would walk and then in the suburbs people would drive.
Osgoode to Roncesvalles? I think it would take you a LOT longer than 35 mins to walk there! And there is more to the day than rush hour. And...do you drive during rush hour? It can take forever to get around the city!
Some of you people are totally disconnected from reality - the idea of taking transit by itself is not gonna convince people to take the TTC. You can try and get them on guilt trips but at the end of the day, an average person will give you the finger, get in his car and drive away.
Who said it would?