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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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The Boston & SF ones aren't even that nice, very boxy design.

The Brussels ones, new Ottawa ones, new Calgary ones, and new Montreal subway trains all look great to me. The Toronto LRVs should look good as well (same as new streetcars).

I think, not sure, the Toronto LRV's looks just like the new street cars I believe. Seems I have taken this thread off track! :D
Subway, Metro etc has NOTHING to do with the technology as long as it has rails, it doesn't even have to be electric. Standard heavy rail, monorail, SkyTrain, LRT, EMU, DMU, and even clunky GO train style commuter rail.

If the line is 100% grade separated from one end to the other then it's a subway. If the line can be theoretically automated then it's a "metro".

The Montreal Metro is automated and underground... but it doesn't have rails ;). Same with one or more of the Paris metro lines.

I don't think I've ever heard Vancouver's system called a subway or metro. Similarly, Ottawa's "LRT" is fully grade separated, yet they don't seem to be calling it a subway or metro.

I wonder what Bostonians call the green line, it's on the subway map and is often called "North America's oldest subway".
The Montreal Metro is automated and underground... but it doesn't have rails ;). Same with one or more of the Paris metro lines.

I don't think I've ever heard Vancouver's system called a subway or metro. Similarly, Ottawa's "LRT" is fully grade separated, yet they don't seem to be calling it a subway or metro.

I wonder what Bostonians call the green line, it's on the subway map and is often called "North America's oldest subway".

The Montreal Metro has rails and guide bars.
The Montreal Metro is automated and underground... but it doesn't have rails ;).
The Metro trains might well have tires. But that doesn't mean the Montreal Metro doesn't have rails. Haven't you ever looked down at the ground in the Metro? Look very carefully, there are rails right next to the guideways for the tires.

The Metro trains might well have tires. But that doesn't mean the Montreal Metro doesn't have rails. Haven't you ever looked down at the ground in the Metro? Look very carefully, there are rails right next to the guideways for the tires.

I was wrong. I apologize :)
The rails are for power distribution and for emergency traction - Metro trains sometimes do get flat tires!
They also get used when a train has to change tracks. I recall back in 1981 when Metro Place St- Henri was the terminus of the orange line, that there was only one track in the station in use, and you could tell from the sound, that the train going through the switches from one track to the other was steel-on-steel.
I wonder what Bostonians call the green line, it's on the subway map and is often called "North America's oldest subway".
People call it the T, the same way they call any of the heavy rail lines (basically no Bostonian would use the term "subway"). Officially the main underground portion of the Green Line is the "Central Subway", though the term is really used only in official documents or announcements. When referring to the individual trains, they'd be called either "trains" or "trolleys".

Just a note though, having a line appear on the system map doesn't automatically make it a "subway". The Silver Line ("silver lie") BRT has always been on the map too, and most of it is barely more "rapid transit" than pre-transitway Viva.

Point and Call – Metrolinx introduces the practice of Shisa Kanko to GO Transit trains

From link.

Passengers travelling, or soon returning to more regular GO Transit trips might notice something a little out of the ordinary when their train comes to a stop. An ancient Japanese practice is now in place and it’s aimed at improving the door operations of the coaches and ultimately making the GO system even safer.
Mother always said it was impolite to point.

And don’t get her started on speaking loudly.

But in this case, taking a page out of lessons originally learned on Japan’s transit network, dramatic hand gestures and loud calls are signs of refinement – and added safety.

GO trains are now pulling into stations and opening their doors with the customer service ambassadors – the CSAs who are stationed in the accessibility coach – pointing at certain indicators and calling out their status loudly to themselves.

It’s called ‘Shisa Kanko’ – a pointing and calling safety practice used on Japanese railways for almost a century.
Katelyn Drysdale is seen here identifying a ‘good spot’ as well as pointing and calling ‘clear right, clear left’ before opening the remaining doors of the train for passengers. (Nitish Bissonauth Photo)
“The practice engages the operator’s brain, eyes, hands, mouth, and ears to have increased awareness of what they are doing” explained Bilal Quadri, the manager of Customer Service at Alstom.

Alstom, the company formally known as Bombardier, provides the crews that operate GO Transit’s train fleet.

“By pointing and calling out actions, an operator’s focus is heightened at key moments.”

According to Quadri, some of the CSAs work and operate 60 to70 stops a day and with so many platforms, it’s easy to fall into a routine and create an automatic habit.

The same can be said about anyone who drives or walks to and from the same destination or constantly does the same action repeatedly. Most of us have driven to a regular destination, and then thought ‘I actually can’t really recall the details of that ride’.

Point and call helps transit staff break out of that automation by stimulating the senses.

It involves the CSA pointing at a spotting location and calling out ’good spot’.
The CSA will then point in both directions and at the same time yell ‘clear right, clear left’ determining when the platform is safe to open the doors.

“I find I’m sharper and on the ball more with this new method,” explains Katelyn Drysdale, a CSA for 11 years.

With the organization constantly evolving, she says her, and her colleagues are used to changes and adapting to new practices.

According to Drysdale, point and call was easy to pick up and she already finds it very effective. “It allows me to take a step back and get a proper sense of my environmental awareness, something that is crucial for me while operating the doors, she explains.”

Once customers have boarded or deboarded the train, they may see the CSA stepping out of the train, and again pointing in both directions calling ‘clear right, clear left’, making sure no passengers are left behind before safely closing the doors.

The gesture may seem a little silly, or a tad dramatic, but it’s effective. Japan’s public transit system, a transportation network that moved 12 billion passengers annually prior to the pandemic, is considered one of the world’s safest transit systems.
Katelyn Drysdale points and calls to the step before customers step off. (Nitish Bissonauth Photo)
“I’ve been reading about this for a few years and I’ve seen it myself in Japan when I was on vacation two years ago,” explains Alstom’s Quadri.

“I had observed this practice in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and I thought if other world class transit agencies are adopting this, why not us?”

Metrolinx was quick to support this innovative idea, especially as the transit agency gets ready to launch the largest expansion of GO service in it’s history.

“This is an important addition to the CSA workflow especially on corridors where we have massive construction projects underway,” says Rob Andrews, director of Rail Operations at Metrolinx.

Andrews also mentioned the practice won’t negatively impact GO Transit’s on time performance, something he and his team are committed to delivering, knowing the importance for customers.

Nearly all customer service ambassadors have now been trained and are currently practicing point and call.
Seen here, Drysdale is again practicing Shisa Kanko when closing the doors of the train. (Nitish Bissonauth Photo)

So, if you’re taking the GO train and you see your CSA using this method, just know this is another step towards flawless door operations and hence, greater safety for everyone.

And feel free to explain it to mom, if she accompanies you aboard.


From link.
This activity involves pointing at target objects by stretching your arm and stating out loud, “Such and such is OK” at important points in the work in order to proceed with work safely and correctly.

Pointing and calling are methods for raising the consciousness level of workers and confirming that conditions are regular and clear, increasing the accuracy and safety of work. This method for ensuring safety is based on the philosophy of respecting human life and can be achieved only with the full participation of the workforce in practice activities across the whole of the workplace.
