Johnny Au
Senior Member
Said certain website unfortunately may be considered reliable by Wikipedia.Sounds like a certain website is moving further away from reality with headlines like that.
Said certain website unfortunately may be considered reliable by Wikipedia.Sounds like a certain website is moving further away from reality with headlines like that.
If the Hyperloop is not believed by most engineers technically feasible then fine but that is all the more reason why TC should study it.
Hyperloop keeps coming back as a potential alternative to traditional HSR and if TC studies it and finds that it is not technical feasible or safe then it will put an end to the conversation once and for all.
As far as a TC Hyperloop study just being another way for the government to stall any HSR between Toronto & Montreal, there is no threat.
. Everyone on this forum knows that for all the talk and endless studies, The Corridor will never get true high speed service in our lifetimes
Its just going to end up being a Neverending study that will die after the next election cycle
Alberta does not have the population base to justify construction. Even such technology that travels between Chicago and Quebec City (via Detroit, Windsor, Toronto, and Montreal) is more feasible.Its just going to end up being a Neverending study that will die after the next election cycle
So high speed rail is already obsolete?
Hyperloop proposals have actually gone backwards. They are just slowly devolving back into a Maglev. Most of them have already disowned original concepts like the turbo molecular pump in front. This video from the American Rail Club really lays out some of the history:
It's truly shameful that governments keep falling for "OOOH SHINY" things like hyperloops, rather than just building things that work like HSR. Although I'm sure that's mostly due to the oversized influence of wealthy investors and their lobbyists.That video confirmed what I already suspected of hyperloop. How is it economical? Hyperloop looks to be just as expensive to construct (if not more) as HSR, except it carries fewer passengers. Looks like an absolute money pit. How many pods have to be constructed and operating just to match how many people a high speed train can move? If hyperloop was as good as the media portrays it as, why aren't people tripping over themselves to invest in it?
I don't really think it's because of weathy investors more just the promise of it being built with out funds from the government and it will be built on time without any delays or problems despite the fact that no one has used that they type of technology before.It's truly shameful that governments keep falling for "OOOH SHINY" things like hyperloops, rather than just building things that work like HSR. Although I'm sure that's mostly due to the oversized influence of wealthy investors and their lobbyists.