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Re: Trees Plants flowers and shrubs in Toronto, a green futu

I'm a big fan of trees. They'd enhance Yonge St. in my opinion as well. I wish there were more trees in the Dundas Square area.
Re: Trees Plants flowers and shrubs in Toronto, a green futu

here's a song

its a concrete forest of course it is
the lap posts are the oak trees
the street tops are the streams
the natives all stay inside there huts until that bright sun beams
then slowly they crept out to get some air
some argued
some screamed
some beamed
some slept
some retatched
some wept
some hobbled
some betrayed
some planet
some begged
some potted
others laughed
some panicked
some breath
some movement by the trees
some magical logical something in the lume
Re: Trees Plants flowers and shrubs in Toronto, a green futu

I wish i could get rid of some concrete at dundas square and plant trees myself since the city is content with mediocre areas putting the bare minium of trees
Re: Trees Plants flowers and shrubs in Toronto, a green futu

Why be content with a square thats grey dull flat bland boring uncreative anti nature anti 21 century architecture
dundas square = metropolis advertising whore what a bore what an eye sore keep your eyes to the floor because theres nothing interesting to look at building wise. On the flip side there still time to change, add some life in the square , garden like atmosphere , colour, a people place funktified
Re: Trees Plants flowers and shrubs in Toronto, a green futu

Screw the trees, what about some ART!
Re: Trees Plants flowers and shrubs in Toronto, a green futu

^ Here he is now, entertain him!
Re: Trees Plants flowers and shrubs in Toronto, a green futu

Why does it have to be either or, why not both trees and art?
Re: Trees Plants flowers and shrubs in Toronto, a green futu

When it comes down to it if the entire earth lost all its trees every single one was cut down then our planet would be in big trouble, but if every scultpure or painting was to vanish out of thin air the globe would still be kickin around , you owe your entire exsistence to trees, they've been around hundreads of millions of years longer then we humans have, we are new arrivals on this planet as a speicies, a little cocky we truely are.
Re: Trees Plants flowers and shrubs in Toronto, a green futu

Good ole oxygen

these 2 images can merge together
Re: Trees Plants flowers and shrubs in Toronto, a green futu

And then throw in some art in the square, true original Canadian art, pay and support a talented Native Artist, respect and admire Native Culture, and embrace a real Canadian identity not mc donalds advertisements.


Who says Canadians dont have an identity?

represent yo


Dont stop there how about throwing in a female sculpture!

Women respec

New York has the statue of liberty
why can't Toronto have its own T-dot Goddess

reprezent yo!
Re: Trees Plants flowers and shrubs in Toronto, a green futu

People everywhere would love Toronto if the city got more creative with it and not follow but lead, we need to time travel and place our minds into the 22 century, think ahead with a mental time machine, vision, change our thinking patterns from black and white thinking into multiple colours in a city spectrum. Play the drum and create a new Urban rythmn , organic, intrinsic, and kind. We belong to the land the land does not belong to us because eventually our bodies will die breakdown decay and become part of the land.
Re: Trees Plants flowers and shrubs in Toronto, a green futu


I would love to see Toronto build new parks. Not just green parks. We need art to complete them. As an Aboriginal person I would love to see more Abo-Art. We have such a rich pool to collect from.

Also, lets us not forget classical art. Univeristy Ave. has wonderful art along its blvd. Why not have more of that in parks and all around TO. It does not cost alot to get bronze and marble art done.
Re: Trees Plants flowers and shrubs in Toronto, a green futu

About trees, plants, greenspace, etc. My next door neighbour won second place in the City of Toronto for Residential Enviromental gardens. They took their front lawn and turned it into a garden instead of keeping grass that needs cutting, etc.

Check it out, this is from the City of Toronto website.

The majority of green space in Toronto is front and back yards. People's yards make an enormous impact on the overall landscape of the city. Parks, Forestry and Recreation acknowledges this by holding a Gardening Contest every year to encourage people to "green up" their yards and to recognize the contributions of the home owners who do an excellent job.

Second Place - Residential Environmental
John Kennedy & Margaret O'Neil
Pegasus Trail

Re: Trees Plants flowers and shrubs in Toronto, a green futu

First of all, I LOVE TREES! I also love plants, flowers, shrubs, grass, herbs, vegetables, and of course, fruit, but I also love diversity.

Have you ever seen an aerial photo of Toronto? Outside the business district, it looks like a forest, all you see are trees. I love that! What other city is so filled with trees and plants? We are not lacking in trees, as a matter of fact, every year there seems to be more and more trees. Just look at our rivers and revines, they are full of beautiful trees. Every park we have, has trees and we have a lot of parks. Many of our streets are filled with trees, especially in the east end.

How many public squares do you see in Toronto? Go to Europe and see how may magnificent squares there are that look great without the benifit of trees. I'm not saying you can't mix public squares with trees. I'm just saying, a little diversity is not a bad thing. Some squares could be great with trees but not all squares need to have trees and grass. It just seems Toronto has this mindset that anything without trees and grass is ugly but some of the most amazing squares I have ever seen were in Europe, and most were without trees or grass. Instead they had art, monuments, fountains, cafes, musicians, stores, restaurants, beautiful buildings, benches and lots of interesting people. If Toronto had a few public squares that were without trees, would that be so terrible? What about flowers, gardens, exotic plants? Can we do something a little different, or is being original a crime in Toronto? Talk about being afraid of change! We are all about diversity, that should not only apply to people and restaurants, but the landscape too. Instead of thinking outside the box, obliterate the mf, and go free-form.

As for putting Native art in parks, why not? Hell, we should have a park just for Native art, designed my a Native. Now that would be an original park, with a distict character and deep meaning. That would be amazing and maybe it could be used to give Torontonians a better understanding of Native culture and customs, as well as being beautiful. Yeah, you can even put a few trees in there too, as long as they're totem poles. LOL KIDDING!!! Ok, I'm almost through with this rant, I just want to touch on Expo 2015, well, maybe I should save that for another time, I have a lot to say. :)
Re: Trees Plants flowers and shrubs in Toronto, a green futu

