How would not meeting the current goal of having the LRT vehicles accessible by 2018 break the Ontarians with Disabilities Act?Of course it makes the vehicle 'illegal'. It'll be breaking the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act where requires that all transit services and facilities be accessible by 2025.
If you can be sued or fined for something, you are doing something unlawful.
Who knows where the government will be in 2023. If we are in a depression, and the Ontario government is faced with buying municipalities new vehicles, or making the Ontarians with Disablitiies Act disappear, what do you think would happen?
I've never looked at the Act before - but where in it - does it say that they WILL make ALL transit vehicles accessible by 2025? They certainly aren't making all subway entrances accessible, just some. And they certainly aren't making escalators accessible. Would the act be met if every second vehicle was accesible (and there was a proper schedule)?