News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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I noticed today that the TTC have out up a sign on Church going north from King saying "No pantographs beyond this point". Could this mean they are going to start using pantos on King?
I noticed today that the TTC have out up a sign on Church going north from King saying "No pantographs beyond this point". Could this mean they are going to start using pantos on King?

Supposedly Dundas is the next line to use pantographs when streetcars return in a couple of months.

The sign may have more to do with the several incidents that they've had where operators failed to switch from pantographs to poles and tried to run through overhead which hadn't been converted yet.

Supposedly Dundas is the next line to use pantographs when streetcars return in a couple of months.

The sign may have more to do with the several incidents that they've had where operators failed to switch from pantographs to poles and tried to run through overhead which hadn't been converted yet.

Yes, no doubt it is to warn operators to switch back to poles BUT I have never seen a pantograph on King so far.
The two flood-damaged cars that were just returned from repair in New York State rolled right through Toronto today. They are headed for Thunder Bay.

North of the city on CP, they passed two new cars coming from Thunder Bay to Hillcrest. These will likely be delivered this week. A third has been released for shipping but hasn't left Thunder Bay as of today.

Also, 4578 is now at CN MacMillan Yard in Maple and will be coming down to Lambton shortly for delivery.

- Paul
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4584 is out testing

The testing department is going to be very busy next week and trying to test 4/6 cars at the same time.

4577 and 4583 could be in service this week and possible 4400. 4584 could be in service around Oct 24 depending on how testing goes.

There was no Flexity on 506 today.
Whether here or on the Streetcar Network thread....

The deliveries are all very positive. Getting back the two drowned cars, and the remaining new cars gives a net increase of about 30 Flexities from today's count.

CPTDB lists about seventy of the CLRVs remaining in service. There is a coming net reduction of about 50 units in service and that's depressing to consider. Especially when there is no active plan to resolve that.

I wish the city had leadership that had a plan (and the courage) to deal with the issues facing the transit system. To me, whining to other levels of government is a failure. It would be nice if the people running the place had the courage of their own convictions. It would be nice to know that each Councillor thought these issues were important.
Whether here or on the Streetcar Network thread....

The deliveries are all very positive. Getting back the two drowned cars, and the remaining new cars gives a net increase of about 30 Flexities from today's count.

CPTDB lists about seventy of the CLRVs remaining in service. There is a coming net reduction of about 50 units in service and that's depressing to consider. Especially when there is no active plan to resolve that.

I wish the city had leadership that had a plan (and the courage) to deal with the issues facing the transit system. To me, whining to other levels of government is a failure. It would be nice if the people running the place had the courage of their own convictions. It would be nice to know that each Councillor thought these issues were important.
What CPTDB list shows and what the TTC CEO report show are very different. I stand to be corrected, but TTC said there is only 54 cars that are serviceable. With Buses on 511 and Flexity going to 506, don't need 54 cars. This is what I posted yesterday on CPTDB from my visit to Russell
Track 22 see 4207, 4221, 4001 & 42?? on it with poles up and headlights.
Track 21 see 4146 + 2 CLRV on it With pole down and no headlights.
Track 20 sees 4079 and 3 other CLRV with poles down no headlights
Track 19 sees 4204 with pole up with a gap between it and 4249 and 2 other 42?? poles down, but still have headlights

501 cars were using track 16 to layover before going back westbound. There were 3 Flexity on it.

The big issue, TTC will not have all 204 cars on property until 2021/22 at the rate it taking to fix the welds on the plan 67 cars. 4400 took almost 400 days compare to the plan 19 weeks plus an extra 4-8 weeks to set things up for the others that were to follow it.

As noted, 2 water damage cars are going to TB now where 4401 is still waiting to be rebuilt, which means having 190 on property by year end is not in the cards. TTC will not have 190 cars ready for service until the first quarter of 2020.

TTC is still looking at having about 165 cars in service at peak time like it was with the old fleet and that a huge mistake, as its needs to be more to deal with the cattle car loads.

Trying to get funds from the Ford Government for more cars not going to happen until 2023 or 2027 when another party replace the Ford party. It may happen sooner if the Feds kick in 2/3 the cost of the new cars, depending who win power this month. It will take another 3/4 years after funds are found for more cars to show up. You may see more cars by 2027 or 2031 and that is sad when it should have been yesterday.
Didn’t a recent CEO’s report count on 4471/78 being back in 2019?

I don’t read anything into the cars’ returning to Thunder Bay. The US shop where they were cleaned would not have the test equipment to QC the cars after cleaning - nor would they have the spare parts or troubleshooting knowledge to rectify any problems that are found. It’s interesting that they weren’t sent to La Pocatiere as the next frame-welding candidates. Or to Millhaven. I imagine Thunder Bay may have more slack in their production schedule just now. We may still see those cars back by year end.

- Paul
I don’t read anything into the cars’ returning to Thunder Bay. The US shop where they were cleaned would not have the test equipment to QC the cars after cleaning - nor would they have the spare parts or troubleshooting knowledge to rectify any problems that are found. It’s interesting that they weren’t sent to La Pocatiere as the next frame-welding candidates.
La P wouldn’t make sense because the welding issues were supposed to have been solved by the end of the 4460s.
Trying to get funds from the Ford Government for more cars not going to happen until 2023 or 2027 when another party replace the Ford party. It may happen sooner if the Feds kick in 2/3 the cost of the new cars, depending who win power this month. It will take another 3/4 years after funds are found for more cars to show up. You may see more cars by 2027 or 2031 and that is sad when it should have been yesterday.
Lemons to lemonade -- the extra time means Toronto can now realistically contemplate ordering them as bidirectional 7-segment Flexitys (40-45 meter). Bombardier literature shows the 5-segment manufacture is currently compatible with 7-segment manufacture, because of the way the segments were designed, are extendable to 7-segment and 9-segment. A small capacity upgrade for King Transit Pilot route.

Also skip the trolleypole on these units as the network will finally be fully panto then.
Lemons to lemonade -- the extra time means Toronto can now realistically contemplate ordering them as bidirectional 7-segment Flexitys (40-45 meter). Bombardier literature shows the 5-segment manufacture is currently compatible with 7-segment manufacture, because of the way the segments were designed, are extendable to 7-segment and 9-segment. A small capacity upgrade for King Transit Pilot route.

Also skip the trolleypole on these units as the network will finally be fully panto then.
I don't know how to say this without sounding like my mom or using language I should not here. I choose the former. No disrespect intended.

God bless your pointed little head, @mdrejhon. The city is not now and not in any near future going to consider, study, contemplate, appraise, review, ponder, give thought to, reflect upon, evaluate or order bi-directional streetcars. The system is built on loops and we have just purchased 204 cars that are based on that system which are going to last another 20+ years. No one in their right mind is going to waste money converting any such thing. Scarce capital is going into maintenance and expansion.

But we'd be wise to get 7 segment cars for King. The next 60 cars could be for 504 and 501 and be 45m. Go for it. Need more storage space, but this is a grand idea.Putting serious thought and effort behind that idea may well be worth it.
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