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Not I ;)

My expectation is for training not to take 12 months. Nobody has fully explained why it is taking so long.
Here's why:
6 students, 2 cars, 2 weeks training, 2 8hour classes daily
12 students every 2 weeks
Approximately 250 students in 1 year
Approximately 600 drivers
Training will be going on for a while
+driver churn.
In time there will be a slow down
Here's why:
6 students, 2 cars, 2 weeks training, 2 8hour classes daily
12 students every 2 weeks
Approximately 250 students in 1 year
I understand this, but they've surely already trained several hundred students. With only 8 streetcars max in use right now, that's 8 streetcars, say 3 shifts per day, 7 days per week. That's 168 shifts/week. If each driver picks up 5 shifts, they only need 33 drivers. Let's say with vacations, sick days, and whatever else, they need 50 qualified drivers. That's a whole lot of spare drivers sitting around forgetting how to drive the new streetcars while we wait for delivery.

Each new streetcar will generate at most 21 shifts if it's in service 24 hours a day. So that's like 4 new drivers for each car. If you use one training car, you can train 6 drivers every two weeks. That's already much faster than the delivery rate. I really don't understand what they're doing with 2 training cars. I'm worried that by the time we have enough streetcars for all the drivers they've already trained, they'll have forgotten how to drive them. Maybe then they'll get 1 week of refresher training or something.
Add Houston to the list for delays of cars and issues by others suppliers

HOUSTON Metro transit has ordered new LRVs from Spain-based C.A.F. but there is a problem with design changes and production delays, The Houston Chronicle reports:
Metro hassles with rail-car builder continue
Rail-car builder, transit officials differ on responsibility for design change
By Dug Begley
August 18, 2015
Updated: August 18, 2015 9:04pm

Photo: Cody Duty, Houston Chronicle

The METRO rail is seen along Scott Street near the University of Houston, Wednesday, May 13, 2015, in Houston.

Metro and the maker of its newest light rail cars have had many costly and time-consuming conflicts. The latest is forcing the transit agency to spend $1 million so its mechanics can lift the vehicles.

The $153 million contract with CAF U.S.A., the American wing of a Spanish firm, has been problematic for the Metropolitan Transit Authority during its expansion of Houston's light rail network. The company ran into problems complying with requirements for American-made products in 2010. Then in late 2013, Metro and CAF engaged in a dispute over timely delivery of the 39 light rail cars included in the contract, the last of which still has not been delivered to Houston.

Now transit officials and the rail-car builder disagree on who is responsible for a design deviation that prevents Metro's lifts - which raise the train for mechanical work, much like a lift in an auto mechanic's garage - from raising CAF's cars.

"To be blunt, the question is, is it a breach of contract," Metro CEO Tom Lambert said.

CAF officials did not respond to requests for comment on Tuesday.

Metro to pay to retrofit

To do routine maintenance on the vehicles and get the work completed, Metro will pay to retrofit its lifts so they can hoist the CAF cars. Lambert said Metro will seek to recover some or all of the $1 million from CAF.

Before work on the rail cars even began in earnest, the Federal Transit Administration determined the contract violated a law requiring U.S. transit agencies to use American-made components for projects that receive federal funds. In response, CAF moved work from Spain to its Elmira, N.Y., plant, but the problem delayed delivery of the cars by months and cost Metro millions.

To open an extension of the Red Line in December 2013 and the new Purple and Green Lines, which began service May 23, Metro needed about a dozen of the trains in addition to the 37 that have been in service since 2013. As ridership on the new rail lines grew, the remainder of the trains would be needed to operate all the lines and have trains in reserve to cycle in so the fleet could be maintained.

Major purchases such as rail cars typically have a closeout period when the work is finished to clear up design issues or production delays. What could make the CAF contract difficult to resolve, Lambert said, is the issues that led to the initial delays as well the new disagreement. Those include delays in when trains could enter service, as well as the weight of the new trains exceeding the 100,300 pounds specified by more than 4 tons.

More electrical costs

A heavier train means Metro must pay more in electrical costs to propel them, just as a heavier car uses more gasoline.

Metro officials have said for more than a year they are confident in the quality of the rail cars. But the procurement process has been chaotic, they say.

Lambert said Metro will hold CAF responsible where practical, while acknowledging the contract has been troublesome.

"There are a lot of lessons learned in this process that will be valuable moving forward," Lambert said. "We know, and I think there is an acknowledgement from CAF now, that you can't build a rail car in 24 months. But that's what they said they could do."


Dug Begley
Transportation Writer, Houston Chronicle
hmm fair enough...
so does anyone remember the count from when 4409 was delivered?

A side note:
is Bbr doing the install for the TR external speakers and the bird cage handles or is it a TTC thing? If its the latter why not the former?
hmm fair enough...
so does anyone remember the count from when 4409 was delivered?
Count of what? 4409 was delivered 29 days ago on July 23rd. The fastest spacing between deliveries has been 35 days between 4406 and 4407 (other than the 34 days that the rebuilt 4400 arrived after 4403).
Ive lost count whats the status of 4401 and 4402 and when will they enter service?

It will be a nice surprise when they come back at hopefully the same time as ramped up production, it will be raining streetcars.
Ive lost count whats the status of 4401 and 4402 and when will they enter service?

It will be a nice surprise when they come back at hopefully the same time as ramped up production, it will be raining streetcars.
I'm sure they would love to have as many of these as possible before winter. From what I've read it cost quite a lot to maintain some of the old streetcars that had trouble in the bad weather.
