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Do their salaries get docked by a day's pay?

They're wage-workers. Paid by the hour. They don't record any hours if they're on strike....or locked out. Its funny, the union is now saying they were locked out. WTF?
Bay street between Bloor and Dundas was crammed with pedestrians walking south... very early morning Manhattan-like.
I hope I can find a rouged cabbie on June 14th. One who pinches just won't do.
Kinnear is eligible for jail time if the city pursues it. What a f#@$king twit!

We wonder why the TTC is falling behind in terms of service and expansion. The answer: Local 113
And it's a smog day too.

I have respect for TTC workers, but none for their selfish and childish union. It's not the year 1910, and workers do not face unsafe working conditions or 16 hour days. We do not need unions in Canada anymore, let's make them illegal. I would like to see the TTC's union management either arrested or personally fined thousands of dollars for staging this illegal strike.

Luckily for my sake, the only way that I depend on the TTC is to make the air a little cleaner and reduce traffic. However I sympathize with those who actually rely on it to get around.
Why does the TTC have its own staff of cleaners when jobs like these can be easily outsourced? Outsourcing cleaning jobs can provide the TTC with cost savings and schedule flexibility to meet its unique needs.
One of my colleagues and I were just saying the TTC should pull a Ronald Reagan and fire the lot of them. There is no shortage of people able and willing to clean subway stations.
It's BikeWeek this week. Perfect chance to get your two-wheelers out of storage.
Yes, the sidewalks were alive with bicycling morons this morning.
Chuck> Don't generalize from, say, the outrageousness of this stike, to "we don't need unions in Canada." That's no true, and I could list example after example of why they are needed, but it wouldn't do any good, i'm sure. So, talk well about what you know, not what you don't.
I agree with paying TTC workers a decent wage and benefits, with the proviso that the public will receive high quality service from the said individuals.

Unfortunately, today's wild cat strike would help to do nothing for that goal.

I am just thankful that I am off work today thanks to an appointment with the eye doctor.

Update on scarberiankhatru's commute: if I walk for 60 minutes to a GO station in Markham, I can take an hourly express bus to Union, where it's only another 30 minute walk to my class. Total time of this trip: minimum 2 hours, plus a GO fare. Still working on a way to get home tonight...perhaps my class will be cancelled.

Maybe 1 in 50 million people that board a TTC vehicle injure a driver, and 100 TTC employees are being moved to the night shift, yeah those are legitimate reasons to cripple the city. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you...
