44 North
Senior Member
I prefer the old ones. The new ones are so slow. I want to be able to rush through the gate; not stop 0.75 seconds while the thing takes its time opening.
So does the majority of the city it seems, and kinda the way things work in traffic or fluid dynamics (e.g laminar flow vs turbulent flow). Once you place an obstruction into a smooth flow, a jam will be created and riders will get mighty angry. I'm wondering if there's been incidences yet of the gates breaking from riders just ramming into them (either because of purposeful drunken foolery or some kind of peak crush situation).
Haven't tried the new gates yet, but how would it work with a child in tow. The child is free, but you put your card in while either standing behind/ahead. Will the gates stay open for two to pass through, or immediately close (requiring another fare to be paid or a gate-hop situation)?
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