So the TTC has a bit of a shitty problem on Line 2.
Piecing together the first hand reports on social media, it appears that there is a female passenger that rides Line 2 daily, while carrying a literal bag of shit with her. The stench is so unbearable that all other passengers are forced to evacuate the car. There are some videos on social media of an entire car of passengers running out the train to get away from her; that stench is surely a lot more than some bad B.O.. It appears that she's been doing this daily for the past week or so, judging by the very similar sounding anecdotal reports I've seen consistently pop up on social media all week,
Early yesterday morning, a TTC operator made a P.A. announcement "shaming" the person for stinking (that's the word the news media is using), and the operator has apparently been terminated from the TTC. See
CBC article here.
Personally, the operator getting terminated doesn't sit right with me, at all. I have nothing wrong with homeless people using transit, but a line has to be drawn somewhere. You absolutely cannot be riding public transit with a literal bag of shit on you. That's not just offensive to passenger comfort anymore, but rather a genuine health and safety concern. Hopefully the union can help this guy out