Pape was the best station done during the whole station revitalization era which was originally slated for: Dufferin, Bloor-Yonge, Kipling, Islington, Museum, St. Patrick and Osgoode.
Of course in typical TTC fashion, they never saw the whole project through. Museum was cheaped out on, Dufferin had aspects changed from the original plan (platform level was cheaped out on),
No question Museum was VE'd.........and Dufferin was just sloppy at the platform level.
The University Line Stations were to be funded at least in part, by the Toronto Community Foundation, I'm not sure what happened to that funding source, but I will assume there was an issue there.
The budget per station for the base change in finishes, was wholly inadequate; I can't remember the number but I don't think it was even an 5M per station, which just doesn't work.
Queen's Park contributes to subway station make-overs Charitable group to renovate three downtown stops James Cowan, National Post Published: Friday, June 09, 2006 The Ontario government yesterday committed $2-million toward refurbishing Toronto subway stations, beginning with a plan to...
That said, while some might argue British taste is in decline, LOL........
The Guardian did publish a list saying Museum was among the most beautiful stations in the world. (I would beg to differ, but I do like the columns).........
Kipling took forever and cant really call it a revitalization asides from platform panel replacement. Bloor-Yonge never happened, Islington never happened, St.Patrick never happened, and Osgoode is laughable.
Kipling was not part of the TCF project, ever. I don't remember Bloor-Yonge being discussed either..........though it will now get a gut job for 1.5B.
Islington was always going to get a project in association with tearing down its bus terminal, like Warden.
That project moving forward earlier was tied to an office tower development with SNC Lavilin that collapsed.
Islington is now moving ahead.
St. Patrick and Queen's Park are getting completely new finishes over the next year or so, the tender was out earlier this summer.