Senior Member
I stumbled upon this after noticing that one of the projects used my Sketchup TTC subway train model...
ESC102 2008 Showcase
The Division of Engineering Science in the University of Toronto Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering would like to invite you to the 2008 Praxis II Design Showcase. The Engineering Science Praxis courses provide our students with the opportunity to apply their engineering and design skills to challenges ranging in scope from the personal to the global. Praxis II targets on local challenges, and this year the course focused on the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) system.
Our first year engineering students spent the first half of the course identifying and researching issues of usability, accessibility, and sustainability within the TTC system. The result was a set of 84 Requests for Proposals (RFPs) describing design challenges solvable by their peers. The top six of these RFPs were selected as the design challenges to be solved during the second half of the course.
The students identified challenges ranging from improving safety and comfort, both above and below ground, through to better understanding who is using the TTC and improving real-time communication with TTC patrons. The specific RFPs (select the links for the full PDF versions) are:
RFP A - Improving Passenger Safety at Streetcar Stops.pdf
RFP B - Accessible Entrances at TTC Stations.pdf
RFP C - Modifying Interior of the TTC Subway Car for Maximum Space Usage.pdf
RFP D - Improving TTC Surface Access Points.pdf
RFP E - Passenger Auditing.pdf
RFP F - Design of A Real-Time Schedule Information Communication System.pdf
ESC102 2008 Showcase
The Division of Engineering Science in the University of Toronto Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering would like to invite you to the 2008 Praxis II Design Showcase. The Engineering Science Praxis courses provide our students with the opportunity to apply their engineering and design skills to challenges ranging in scope from the personal to the global. Praxis II targets on local challenges, and this year the course focused on the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) system.
Our first year engineering students spent the first half of the course identifying and researching issues of usability, accessibility, and sustainability within the TTC system. The result was a set of 84 Requests for Proposals (RFPs) describing design challenges solvable by their peers. The top six of these RFPs were selected as the design challenges to be solved during the second half of the course.
The students identified challenges ranging from improving safety and comfort, both above and below ground, through to better understanding who is using the TTC and improving real-time communication with TTC patrons. The specific RFPs (select the links for the full PDF versions) are:
RFP A - Improving Passenger Safety at Streetcar Stops.pdf
RFP B - Accessible Entrances at TTC Stations.pdf
RFP C - Modifying Interior of the TTC Subway Car for Maximum Space Usage.pdf
RFP D - Improving TTC Surface Access Points.pdf
RFP E - Passenger Auditing.pdf
RFP F - Design of A Real-Time Schedule Information Communication System.pdf