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Who will be the next US president?

  • John McCain

    Votes: 8 7.8%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 80 77.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 14.6%

  • Total voters
I'm banking on a Dennis Kucinich vs Ron Paul race:)

Dennis Kucinich, the one with the hot wife who would make a fine first lady :)

i think he's their best bet and not because of the wife. he seems normal.
I love how simple voting is here - mark an X on a piece of paper, fold it and stuff it in a box. No chads, dimples, no questions. The presence of non-partian poll staff supervised by a non-partisan elections office, (A trusted non partisan election commission! Remarkable! Why can't the US do this?) and monitored by partisan scrutineers who are little more than a formality most of the time, give us nice, fair and clear election results.

Even municipal optical scan ballots are simple - there's a paper record (the ballots themselves) and the machine rejects improperly filled ballots, so the voter can vote with confidence.

The US could start by establishing non-partisan election commissions and simple optical scan ballots for which paper records are kept. It's not rocket science.
it's ballot science! ;)
didn't diebold make the voting machines? they also make bank machines - which print out receipts. it can be done.

one would hope that the election was rigged because if it wasn't, we have some serious shit to worry about when using the ATM's.

Jesus, that's what's happened to my money!!!

Hey, gotta blame someone.
I love how simple voting is here - mark an X on a piece of paper, fold it and stuff it in a box. No chads, dimples, no questions. The presence of non-partian poll staff supervised by a non-partisan elections office, (A trusted non partisan election commission! Remarkable! Why can't the US do this?) and monitored by partisan scrutineers who are little more than a formality most of the time, give us nice, fair and clear election results.

Even municipal optical scan ballots are simple - there's a paper record (the ballots themselves) and the machine rejects improperly filled ballots, so the voter can vote with confidence.

The US could start by establishing non-partisan election commissions and simple optical scan ballots for which paper records are kept. It's not rocket science.

I couldn't agree more. It's just so simple! That's why the seeming impossibility of fixing the problems make the whole thing seem so very dubious. They've had three elections since 2000, and they still have the same voting systems with no real paper trail in precincts all across the country. I understand that they vote for far too many people to use a simple "Mark an X" paper ballot, but the optical scan system we use for municipal elections is just as easy to count as most of the American systems, and it's pretty hard to screw up. It's a much better (and likely much cheaper) system than touch screen voting machines. Clearly they can have glitches and can be easily hacked, and even with a paper trail nobody would ever know unless a recount was ordered.
In some glorious alternate universe, Ron Paul and Mike Gravel are the presidential candidates. Imagine THAT debate.

"Create a Department of Peace!"
"No, abolish the government!"
The President will be a Corporatist from either party whose policies are bought by lobbyists. Kucinich, Paul or Gravel would be great but they don't have a snowballs chance in hell.

The US is screwed with either party, maybe just less screwed with a Democrat.
A couple of the people running look like they would have a tough time making decisions. They could be relatively benign if in office.
It looks to me like a Fred Thompson versus Hillary or Obama election. If it were Gore on the ballot I am fairly certain who would win... with Hillary or Obama I'm not as sure. I think that someone who voted for Bush in 2004 would need to have changed a lot to switch their vote not only to a Democrat but to Hillary or Obama.
Unfortunately, Hilary Clinton. The last thing you want is a woman who's husband cheated on her to have her finger on the button launching an atom bomb.
I think Thompson is the GOPs best candidate, which is why the party will quickly kill him off and go with someone else.

Thompson has a lot of baggage - but you won't hear it this early since the media has to build him up first :eek:

My favourites don't have a chance anymore McCain (Rep), Biden (Dem)
